

ADL Committee Minutes June 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 7 June 2023 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: P Rice, M Griffin, Mrs M Harrison, N Sabatini, K Saw, A Skeggs, R Small, K Dunnings, and M Thoday.

Apologies were received from Mrs M Stevens.

The Minutes: of the meeting of 3 May 2023 were agreed.

Congratulations were to given to Mark Griffin for becoming a father for the first time.

Matters Arising:

The items that the League are providing to existing clubs are at the printers and will be handed out at the Secretaries / Club meeting.


· The Berks and Bucks had responded on the status of an Aylesbury Vale Dynamos Sports player, who was reported to have been playing whilst under suspension.

· An enquiry to join the league had been received from Hemel Rovers. No form had been returned to date.

· Fred Weaver, local referee, had passed away.

Treasurer’s Report:

Outstanding Fines – Ludgershall £100 and Prestwood £110 (to de deducted from deposit).

An invoice for using Tring Athletic for the finals has yet to be received.

Withdrawal of Clubs – Each club fine £50 as per Rule 11a.

Aylesbury Vale Dynamos Sports, Bierton, Kings Sports and Prestwood.

Registration Secretary’s Report:

Nothing to report.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report:

As reported at the last meeting Ricky Gwilliam (Aylesbury Vale Dynamos Sports) was suspended from the 24 April. He subsequently played on the 29th April v Wendover and the 3rd May v Wingrave. Both games to be awarded to the opposition and Aylesbury Vale Dynamos Sports fined £50 for each game.

Referees Secretary’s Report:

· Very few games throughout the season had not been covered.

· Referee registrations with the FA (WGS) were now open. Registration was £20.

· Mark Griffin and Ross Newton had both been promoted to Level 5. Congratulations to them.

· Majority of new referees were only interested in officiating in youth football.


3 May – Aylesbury Vale Reserves – no named assistant. Fined £10. Rule 21A.

– Aylesbury Vale Reserves – no first aider. Fined £10. Rule 25.

– Potten End – teamsheet not signed. Fined £10. Rule 21A.

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

· Team sheets should be fully completed for next season to help the competition manage player eligibility, ineligibility, and suspensions. Use of subs, Goal scorers, Yellow and red cards and minutes of goals will be requested for 2023-24.

Any Other Business:

· The AGM agenda for the 26 June was confirmed. The running order would be Marsworth Cup AGM at 7.30, Thomas Field Shield AGM at 7.50, presentation of Divisional trophies and then the League AGM around 8.00. Kevin Dunnings gave his apologies.

· Review of 2022/23 Cup Finals

· Tring Athletic didn’t take responsibility for several issues. Rapport seems to have diminished over recent years.

· Consider switching the venue to either Aylesbury Vale or Thame.

· Consider switching to Saturdays, playing two finals on the same day.

· The Captains armbands were ready. The cost of a lightweight jacket would be around £30.

· There had been a recent article whereby teams could be deducted points by the local FA for poor disciplinary records. It was felt that this might require a change to SCOR.

· A reprint of the team sheet books was required. LMS Printing produced the last batch.

· As Kings Sports had withdrawn from the League, they were to be asked to return the Sheffield Jackman trophy with immediate effect.

· The format of the league was discussed with the aim of maintaining three divisions. Once the new applications had been confirmed this would help the allocation of teams.


The meeting closed at 8.30 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 5 July 2023.


ADL Committee Minutes May 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 3 May 2023 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: M Griffin, Mrs M Harrison, N Sabatini , K Saw A Skeggs, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from P Rice, K Dunnings,

The Minutes: of the meeting of 5 April 2023 were agreed

Matters Arising:

We now have all the divisional trophies.

The ADL logos cannot be put on balls by Print Lab, we are looking at alternatives.


The General Secretary of the Leighton and District Sunday League has suggested an inter-league cup for next season, it was explained that we are a Saturday league.

The Secretary and Treasurer of Haddenham UFC will both be resigning at the end of the season. They will be very much missed.

The father of a referee has written to complain of the behaviour of the spectators at a match his son was reffing. He has received a reply.

There have been several disciplinary reports from Berks and Bucks.

Registration Secretary’s Report:

12 April Oving v Potten End – Oving played an ineligible player, game awarded Potten End, Oving fined £50. Rule 18M

26 April. Elmhurst v Prestwood – Prestwood played an ineligible player, game awarded to Elmhurst, Prestwood fined £50 rule 18M

29 April – query from Wendover re; an ineliglble player – Marcie is investigating

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Postponed games. Rule 20E

8th April – Stone Utd forfeited lack of players. £50 fine, Game awarded to Ludgershall

15th April – Stone Utd forfeited lack of players. £50 Fine. Game awarded to Haddenham Utd

22nd April – Ludgershall Reserves forfeited. £50 Fine. Game awarded to Thame C

26th April – FC Bierton forfeited £50 Fine – Game awarded to Wingrave

3rd May – Kings Sports forfeited. Game awarded to FC Aristocrat 3rd offence £75 fine

Late Results

12th April AVD Sports Not by 930pm Wednesday fined £10 rule 21B

Late Teamsheets. rule 21C

8th April Prestwood Not by 6pm Monday £10

Prestwood Res – Not by 6pm Monday £10

12th April St Leonards – Not by 6pm Friday £10

Prestwood – Not by 6pm Friday £10

Potten End – Not within 7 days £30

Ludgershall Res – Not by 6pm Friday £10

14th April Stoke Mandeville Res Not by 6pm Monday £10

15th April Ludgershall Reserves Not by 6pm Monday £10

19th April Prestwood – Not within 7 days £30

22nd April. Tring Athletic Zebras Not by 6pm Monday £10

Wingrave Not by 6pm Monday £10

Ludgershall Not by 6pm Monday £10

Wingrave Development Not by 6pm Monday £10

AWFC Reserves Not by 6pm Monday £10

26th April Prestwood – Not by 6pm Friday £10

29th April Toqeer Titans – Not by 6pm Monday £10

Wingrave – Not by 6pm Monday £10

Wendover – Not by 6pm Monday £10

29 April Potten End did not notify League of a change of venue

AVD did not notify league of a change of venue

Referees Secretary’s Report:

A lot of referees have now pulled out of refereeing next season, the disciplinary record of clubs has not helped the situation.

The teams’ reports on referees have been sent to Barks and Bucks for their appraisal.

1 April Aylesbury Hornets – no referee mark. Fined £5 rule 23H

8 April Potten End – no first order on teamsheet fined £10 rule 25

No named assistant fined £5 rule 23C

No name or signature fined £10 rule 21A

Aylesbury Hornets no referee mark within 7 days fined £5 rule 23H

St Mandeville Res no referee mark fined £5 rule 23H

12 April Prestwood – delayed k.o. 18.25

Toqeer Titans no team no.s or colours fined £10 rule 21A

Ludgershall Res. Delayed k.o. 18.30

14.April St Mandeville no referee mark within 7 days fined £5 rule 23H

15 April Haddenham late team sheet to ref, 14.20 fined £5 rule 23E

Ludgershall res. No referee mark fined £5 rule 23H

19 April Prestwood- incorrect copy of teamsheet fined £10 rule 21A

No named assistant fined £5 rule 23C

Toqeer Titans no team name on team sheet fined £10 rule 21A

22 April Tring Zebras no referee mark fined £5 rule 23H

26 April Prestwood Incorrect team sheet/ no named assistant Fined £5 rule 23C

Mike Partridge ½ fee from Wingrave v Bierton match

29 April Toqeer Titans team name not on teamsheet. Fined £10 rule 21A

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

As clubs are not sending in match reports the League is looking to make this easier via full time.

Teamsheets should be fully completed for next season to help the competition manage player eligibility, ineligibility and suspensions.

Use of subs

Goal scorers

Yellow and red cards and minutes of goals will be requested for 2023-24

Currently only player names and ref marks are added by all teams. Some teams already do this and the process will be explained at the Club Sec meeting

Any Other Business.

The AGM will be held on 26 June and the SGM on 31 July, both at Rivets Sports and Social Club. We would like to remind you that we need one representative per team, not per club. Despite several reminders last season three clubs still received fines for not adhering to this rule.

There was discussion about distribution of funds to aid clubs.

Clubs are reminded about the rule that kits should not be in dark colours, also it is an FA ruling that under armour should be matching with the kit.

June 1st has been set for interviewing new clubs.

Congratulations from the league to Sophie Dennington on her appointment to the FA Wom-ens Cup Final next weekend.

The meeting closed at 9.10 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 6 June 2023


ADL Committee Minutes April 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 5 April 2023 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: M Griffin, K Saw A Skeggs, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from P Rice, K Dunnings, Mrs M Harrison, N Sabatini

The Minutes: of the meeting of 1March 2023 were agreed

Matters Arising:

Toqeer Titans have lost their appeal against disqualification from the Thomas Field Shield.

Divisional trophies have still to be returned.

Marcie is continuing her research into ADL logos on footballs.


AW Reserves have requested extra medals for the Marsworth Cup and the Reserve Cup, for which they are willing to pay.

Both teams have been fined for the fracas between Potten End and Haddenham.

Players from two teams on separate occasions have been fined and given a 2 match ban for abusive language to an official.

We have been asked by Tring Athletic Football Club to remind finalists and spectators that alcohol is not allowed into Tring Stadium. If this happens again we will possibly lose per-mission to use their facilities and Tring could also lose their licence.

We have been informed by Berks and Bucks FA there are changes coming to the County Cup for the 23/24 season

Registration Secretary’s Report:

No report

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Postponed Games

4th March. Kings Sports unable to raise a side vs AWFC. £50 fine. Rule 20B

18th March Kings Sports unable to raise a side vs Aylesbury Vale £50 Fine.rule 20B Aylesbury Vale unable to claim back their pitch fees

FC Bierton unable to raise a side vs Prestwood £50 fine rule 20B

1st April FC Aristocrat unable to raise a side Vs Aylesbury Vale. £50 fine rule 20B

Late Results

17th March. Stoke Mandeville Res and Prestwood Res Late result not by 5.30 pm

1st April AVD Sports and Wingrave Late result not by 5.30pm

Late Teamsheets

11th March Ludgershall Res – Not by 6pm Monday

18th March. AWFC Reserves – Not by 6pm Monday

Ludgershall Res – Not by 6pm Monday

St Leonard’s – Not by 6pm Monday

25th February Potten End teamsheet fine raised to £50. Still not updated over 21 days

25th March Aylesbury Hornets over 7 days late £30 fine

Fixture Issues

Prestwood contesting playing Great Missenden 12th April after game was postponed on 1st April

Haddenham Vs King Sports – will be a double header at Haddenham £70 ref fees split 50:50

Potten End Vs Aylesbury Vale Res – will be a double header at Potten End £70 ref fees split 50:50

Referees Secretary’s Report:

One referee has resigned following adverse comments to and about him, this makes the shortage of referees more acute


18 February. Wendover incomplete team sheet (no names or colours) fine £10 rule 21A

4 March

Kings Sports no team cancellation till 12.45 referee due fee

Thame B no assistant named fined £10 rule 21A

Thame D late team sheet to referee £10 fine rule 20F

11 March

Oving Res Wrong Club name on team sheet fined £10 rule 21A

Aylesbury Hornets no referee mark fined £5 rule 23H

18 March Kings Sports Cancelled ref 13.28

25 March

Prestwood res no date on team sheet £10 rule 21A

Aylesbury Hornets No referee mark fined £5 rule 23H

April 1

Thame D. No club name on team sheet. Fine £10 rule 21A

AVD Sports No named assistant fined £10 rule 21A

Toqeer Titans No club name on team sheet fined £10 rule 21

Mark’s Report

Since the transfer window has closed things are much better

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

There are still very few reports being received.

Any Other Business.

The AGM will be held on 26 June and the SGM on 31 July, both at Rivets Sports and Social Club. We would like to remind you that we need one representative per team, not per club. Despite several reminders last season three clubs still received fines for not adhering to this rule.

We have been informed by Matt Brill that Ron Rawlings has passed away. He was an ADL referee, also a massive contributor to youth football in Aylesbury. Our condolences go to his family.

Well done to St Leonard’s for stepping in and providing a pitch when needed at short notice.

The meeting closed at 9.00 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 3 May 2023


ADL Committee Minutes March 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 1 March 2023 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: P Rice, K Dunnings. M Griffin, Mrs M Harrison, N Sabatini, K Saw, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from A Skeggs

The Minutes: of the meeting of 1 February 2023 were agreed


Matters Arising:

Toqeer Titans have appealed their disqualification from the Thomas Field Shield, hearing

To be held on Tuesday 7 March

Some trophies have still not been returned, any teams that have one from last season, please return it to a committee member.

Marcie will continue her research into ADL logos on footballs.



Josh Bostock is taking over from Dennis as Secretary/Chair of Prestwood.

Adam Jackson of Tring Zebras has proposed a change of rule 18A


Registration Secretary’s Report:

There are queries about a player on the Stoke Mandeville teamsheet but not on full time.

The last day on transfers is today, 1 March.

One player has signed who is under 16, so that once he reaches 16 yrs he will be able to play for his team, but not before.


Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Abandoned Games. Saturday 25 February

Haddenham Vs Potten End

AW Res Vs Ludgershall Res –

Both mass brawls. We now await action by the Berks and Bucks FA

Free Weeks

11th March AWFC First Team

18th February – Stoke Mandeville Reserves requested a postponement. Declined, match went ahead as normal


Late Results Rule 21B £10 fine

4th Feburary

Ludgershall Res – Not by 1730

11th February

Potten End – Not by 1730

Oving Res – Not by 1730

18th February

AVD Sports – not by 1730

Late Teamsheets

4th February

Stoke Mandeville Res – not by 6pm

11th February

AVD Sports – not by 6pm

18th February

AWFC Reserves – Not by 6pm Monday

25th February

St Leonards – Not by 6pm Monday

Potten End – Not by within 7 days


Aylesbury Vale – Can they please inform the Committee where they are playing on a weekly basis, Long Marston or Council Pitch.


Referees Secretary’s Report:

This month Kevin has received the highest number of team reports with regard to the per-ceived performance of their match referee. He has forwarded to Berks and Bucks FA those which are law related issues and not just a difference of opinion. We know the shortage of referees nationally is getting worse and Kevin is finding it increasingly difficult to appoint ref-erees to games, as some are refusing to officiate due to the actions of some teams and their individual players.

We have never recovered referee numbers after Covid when many stopped officiating. Kevin does not now have sufficient referees to guarantee an official on every game every week.

If you know of anyone wanting to train as a referee please send the details to Kevin. The ADL will reimburse the course fee to any new referee who officiates ADL games for a sea-son.



4.2.23. Prestwood – late paper team sheet fined £10 rule 20F

No named assistant, no official teamsheet fined £10 rule 21A

Potten End – no team name fined £10 rule 21A

Wingrave dev. Wrong date on teamsheet (4.1.23) fined £10 rule 21A

Stoke Mandeville – no named official fined £10 rule 21A

Ludgershall res – no named first aider fined £10 rule 25

No signature, no name fined 10 rule 21A

11.2.23 Potten End – 8 player names/ incorrect shirt no.s fined £5 x 8 rule19

Prestwood – no named assistant, no official teamsheet – fined £10 rule 21A

18.2.23 Prestwood -no named assistant, no official teamsheet, no GK colours fined£10 rule 21A

Ludgershall – no GK colours fined £10 rule 21A

Ludgershall res – no teamsheet signature fined £10 rule 21A


Late teamsheet to ref (13-20) fined £10 rule 20F

25.2.23 Ludgershall Res – no name or signature, no GK colours fined £10 rule 21A

Prestwood – no assistant named, no official teamsheet – fined £10 rule 21A

Aylesbury Hornets – no referee mark Rule 23H fined £5


Some of our referees have been picked for the County Cup games

Semi-final – Lee Dunnings, Nigel Gilding, Brian Constable

Final – Mark Griffin, Kevin Dunnings.

Congratulations to Sophie who will be the senior assistant referee at the Women’s League Cup final at Selhurst Park on 5 March.


Mark’s Report

Since the last minutes, with fines for Full-Time issues, all is now o.k. so all secretaries are to be congratulated.


Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

There are very few reports being received.


Any Other Business.

The AGM will be held on 26 June and the SGM on 31 July,both at Rivets Sports and Social Club.

Sincere congratulations to Haddenham who are in the semi-final of the Charles Twelvetree County Cup on 11 March.

There was very little response to the email asking for opinions on whether the final of the Thomas Field Shield should be held on Good Friday or not. If anyone else wants to reply, please do so by the end of March.


The meeting closed at 9.00 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 5 April 2023

ADL Committee Minutes February 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 1 February 2023 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: P Rice (Chair), K Dunnings, Mrs M Harrison, K Saw, A Skeggs, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from M Griffin, N Sabatini.

The Minutes: of the meeting of 4 January 2023 were agreed, but the time for contacting a pitch representative about the condition of a pitch should read three hours prior to kick-off.

Matters Arising:

The complaint concerning Great Missenden and Wendover has been closed, as no further

Information was received by the Berks and Bucks FA about the incident.

Wendover Reserves played Ludgershall while under suspension on 12 November by Berks and Bucks FA, the game is therefore awarded to Ludgershall. Wendover fined £50 rule20e

Toqeer Titans played an ineligible player on 26 November in their Thomas Field Shield game v F C Aristocrats, the game has been awarded to F C Aristocrats. Fined £50 rule 18 1M


One team asked if they could be excused the four games criteria if they reach the finals of a Cup game, as one player is injured and not likely to be fit until the finals. This was denied.

Teams are strongly reminded that they should not put derogatory comments about other teams, players, etc. on social media. This is not acceptable.

Rob Evans is the new secretary of Ludgershall

Treasurer’s Report:

Tony will no longer be chasing teams for their unpaid fines. If they are not paid by the due date, they will be increased. Rule 6i

Registration Secretary’s Report:


Oscar Smith from Stoke Mandeville to Wendover

Samson Menson from Stone to St Leonards

Sean Williment from Aylesbury Vale Dynamos to Stone

The last date from transfers and registrations this season is 1 March 2023.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Postponed games:

Aylesbury Hornets Vs AWFC Res. – Hornets unable to raise a side. £50 fine game awarded to AWFC rule 20e

Late Teamsheets

28th Jan – Ludgershall Res not by 6pm Monday £10 fine rule 20c

Late Results

28th January – Ludgershall Vs Rivets Sports Res – not by 18.00. £10 fine. Rule 21A

7 Jan Rivets res failed to confirm game with opposition Oving Res Rivets fined £10 rule 20C

As per last month’s minutes, teams were given a deadline of the 27/01/23 to make sure their FA Full-Time was updated. They were also given instructions on how to resolve this. Below are a list of fixtures that are outstanding still on Full-Time for the whole of this season:

Fine £10 Rule 21A

8th October: Prestwood 1st only listed 10 starting players.

22nd October: Prestwood 1st only listed 10 starting players.

19th November: Wendover 1st only listen 10 starting players.

26th November: Wendover 1st only listed 10 starting players.

26th November: Wendover 1st only listed 10 starting players.

26th November: Wendover Reserves only listed 10 starting players.

3rd December: Rivets 1st only listed 9 starting players.

3rd December: Rivets Reserves only listed 8 starting players.

10th December: Prestwood 1st only listed 10 starting players.

7th January: Tring Athletic Zebras only listed 10 starting players.


Any others that were outstanding have been updated following the instructions on how to do this and before the deadline.


Congratulations to Haddenham who have reached the Berks and Bucks FC quarter-finals


Referees Secretary’s Report:

We have a new referee, and two other possibilities, but one existing referee is considering resigning after the behaviour of the team he refereed last Saturday.

There were 48 games in January and they were all covered.

Mark Griffin is now a level 6 referee and Manny Chandwani is level 4.

Incorrect Teamsheets:

26 Nov Stoke Mandeville Res – No referee mark fined £10 rule 23i

3 Dec Stoke Mandeville – Team sheet not signed, no name fined £10 rule 21c

Ludgershall – wrong date 3.12.20 fined £10 rule 21A

Tring Zebras- wrong date 3.12.12 fined £10 rule 21A

Prestwood – no named assistant fined £10 rule 21A

Potten End – no GK colours fined £10 rule 21A

10 Dec Prestwood – no assistand named/wrong date 10/11/22 fined £10 rule 21A

7 Jan Tring Zebras – no GK colours. Fined £10 rule 21A

Aylesbury Vale – not signed fined £10 rule 21A

Prestwood – no named assistant fined £10 rule 21A

Potten End – incorrect shirt numbers fined £10 rule 21A

14 Jan Haddenham – no named assistant fined £10 rule 21A

21 Jan Ludgershall Res – no named assistant, no official signature, no GK colours, wrong club name. fined £10 rule 21A

28 Jan Stoke Mandeville Res – no named assistant, no club official signature fined£10 21A

No first aider fined £10 rule 25

Potten End – no team name on Sheet fined £10 rule 21A

Rivets – incorrect team name fined £10 rule 21A


Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

Only 5 messages have been received with information, this makes it very difficult to put a report into the paper. Please send match reports in promptly.


Any Other Business

Cup medals have been ordered

All Cups and league trophies need to be returned by 28 February to a Committee member.

Peter has obtained presenters for all Cups

It has been decided to call the League cup The Tom Munt Memorial League Cup

Marcie will enquire about putting the ADL logo on footballs.


The draws for the President’s League Cup Semi-Final were made:

Thame B Or Great Missenden Vs AVD Or Haddenham Utd v Aylesbury Vale

FC Bierton Or Elmhurst Vs St Leonards v Ludgershall Or Wendover


The meeting closed at 8.30 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 1 March 2023


Following the meeting the Committee held a lengthy session with a Division Two team about their attitude towards referees, following at least four complaints this season. The team were warned about their future conduct


ADL Committee Minutes January 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 4 January 2023 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: K Saw (Chair), M Griffin, A Skeggs, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from P Rice, K Dunnings, Mrs M Harrison, N Sabatini.

The Minutes: of the meeting of 30 November 2022 were agreed

Matters Arising:

The £50 fine for incorrect teamsheets is wrong, it should be rule 21A £10 fine.


Wendover have been fined by Berks and Bucks for playing while under suspension.

Wingrave Development V Stoke Mandeville, both teams have been fined by Berks and Bucks for abusive language.

Oving have queried the result of one of their games.

Thame have suggested a rule change to be put forward at the AGM

We have had a query from Rivets about signing players.

Rob Evans is the new secretary for Ludgershall.

Treasurer’s Report:

Outstanding Fines

Potten End. £10

Registration Secretary’s Report:

Transfer Jabar Mohammed} Mohammed Ibrar } both from Aylesbury Vale to Toqeers Titans Sam Pennington from Rivets to Ludgershall

Risborough Rangers have confirmed Sean Coles will no longer be playing for them and has signed on for Aylesbury Vale Dynamos. Reminder that players need to be put on Whole game system with a photo otherwise regis-tration will be rejected.

Transfer for December

Tich Murinzi from Elmhurst to Rivets

Sipho Kaseke from Elmhurst to Rivets

Team Sheets Report

Incorrect FA Full-Time –

12th November – Thame Utd B only listed 10 starting players.

19th November – Wendover only listed 10 starting players –

26th November – Wendover only listed 10 starting players –

– Thame Utd C only listed 10 starting players –

– Wendover Reserves only listed 10 starting players –

For a few weeks now there seems to be a problem when registering emergency registra-tions not being back dated on the system, I am back dating them but they are not showing on full time until the following week on your team sheets, can I ask that anyone having this issue raises a ticket by following the link below and report any players missing, I know this is a pain but it’s out of my control I’m afraid.

Because of the problems with Full Time all teams are advised to follow the link supplied by Marcie and they are given until the 27th January to get it sorted. Please also note that for cup eligibility only those players listed on Full Time will be considered.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Postponed games – Rule 20E(ii). £10 fine

10th December

AVD Sports – no confirmation to Fixtures Secretary

Prestwood Reserves – no confirmation to Fixtures Sec.

FC Bierton – no confirmation to Fixtures Sec

17th December

AVD Sports – no confirmation to Fixtures Sec

Rivets Firsts – no confirmation to Fixtures Sec

Missing Teamsheets

26th November – Tring Ath Zebras. Still nothing (teamsheet fine increases to £50 as over 21 days)

3rd December – Ludgershall first – Not by 6pm Monday £10 fine

Potten End – not within 7 days £30 fine

Free weeks

11th February AW firsts, Tring Zebras, Rivets Sports Reserves – all agreed

28th January – Thame D – agreed

10 December Rivets First and Reserves. Agreed.

Referees Secretary’s Report:

There are several people who want to take a referees course, but Berks and Bucks are not putting on any courses locally. Those that are being advertised are filled as soon as they are announced.

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

Nothing to report, Christmas and New Year have occurred since the last meeting.

Any Other Business

Tom Munt is still on the website as our President, this needs to be changed.

It was proposed that we change The President’s Cup to the Tom Munt League Cup next season.

Haddenham’s goalkeeper Chris O’Donovan has been hospitalized since December, we wish him a speedy recovery.

There were discussions about how some of the League money should be spent, enquiries will be made about costs.

Cup Draws:

ADL Reserve Cup

Stoke Mandeville Res / AWFC Res Vs Ludgershall Res / Rivets Res

Wendover Res / Prestwood Res Vs Thame C / Aylesbury Vale Res Vs

Sheffield Jackman Cup

Aylesbury Hornets / AWFC Vs Kings Sports / Stoke Mandeville

Haddenham Utd / Potten End Vs Stone Utd / Ludgershall

Thomas Field Shield

Toqeer Titans / Elmhurst Vs Ludgershall / AVD Sports

Aylesbury Hornets / Wingrave Vs Gt Missenden / FC Bierton


Aylesbury and District Football League Pitch Inspection Team

Roger Small  07754557177 – Haddenham, Rivets Sports, Ludgershall, AWFC, Thame B,C,D

Kevin Dunnings 07809826965 – FC Aristocrat, AVD Sports, Elmhurst, Stoke Mandeville

Kevin Saw  07884105261 – Oving, FC Bierton, Stone, Wingrave, Aylesbury Vale.

Peter Rice 07889942537 = Potten End, Gt Missenden, Prestwood, Wendover, Aylesbury Hornets,  Tring, St Leonards, Toqeer Titans

Please contact your pitch representative ASAP, and certainly before 11-30 a.m if your match is in doubt through flood or frost.


The meeting closed at 9.00 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 1 February 2023


ADL Committee Minutes December 2022

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 30 November 2022 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: P Rice, Mrs M Harrison, K Saw, R Small, K Dunnings, M Thoday, M Griffin, N Sabatini.

Apologies were received from A Skeggs, Mrs M Stevens.

The Minutes: of the meeting of 2 November 2022 were agreed


Matters Arising:

Wingrave v Stoke Mandeville match 17 September, both teams fined £70 by Berks and Bucks FA. The game is declared void. Rule 20 E 5. It was noted that on FA Full-Time it will show that both teams have played one less game.

The Berks and Bucks FA are yet to get back to the committee and teams involved regarding the game that involved a racist incident.

Potten End v Stoke Mandeville Reserves – investigation concluded, result stands

Aylesbury Hornets v Wingrave Development (29/10/22) – Wingrave admitted they played an ineligible player, result stands.

The Chairman has been to Fairford Leys Playing Fields and inspected the pitches with the ground staff. Pitch 3 not available to be used until September 2023, pitch 4 likewise, whilst pitch 2 is fit to be used, decision made to switch ALL the semi-finals to the Eddie.



The league has been advised that Toqeer Titans home pitch location is Botley Playing Fields, 119 Botley Road, Chesham, HP5 1XG. This has been updated on FA Full-Time.


Treasurer’s Report:

Outstanding fines:

Aylesbury Hornets £100

Wingrave £50

The committee are continuing to explore ways in which to reduce the league’s financial reserves that favours all members of the league.


Registration Secretary’s Report:

Please can teams use the names of players on the match day team sheets that are in the same format as they appear on FA Full-Time.

A player that has played at a higher level than the ADL becomes ineligible to play in the ADL if they have played 6 or more games at that level, Rule 18M.


Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Wendover Reserves played three games when they were under suspension with the Berks and Bucks FA. Still awaiting the outcome of this from the Berks and Bucks FA.

Clubs are reminded to send in results to the fixture secretary (Marc Thoday), even if they are County Cup games.

There will be no fixtures on the 24th and 31st December, with fixtures resuming 7th January 2023.

Postponed Games

5th November – Kings Sports Vs Haddenham – waterlogged pitch, unable to switch as Haddenhams pitch was not marked. Game to be rescheduled.

5th November – Potten End Vs Oving – waterlogged pitch. Game was rescheduled 12th November.

26th November – Ludgershall Res Vs Wingrave Development – game awarded to Ludgershall. Rule 20 (E) (1) £50 fine.

26th November – Ludgershall Vs Prestwood. Cup Game awarded to Ludgershall. Prestwood unable to field a side. Rule 20 (E) (1) £50 fine.

Late Results Rule 21B £10 fine

County Cup Results -. The following teams failed to follow Rule 21 B

Both Clubs shall reply to the text message issued from the FT (Full-Time) system by 5.30pm for Saturday matches and 9.30pm for Evening Matches.

Results of County Cup fixtures shall also be communicated to the Fixture’s Secretary. Failure to comply with this Rule will result in a fine in accordance with the Fines Tariff. If no result is received by midnight on the day of the game, a fine not exceeding £50.00 as set out in the Fines Tariff may be imposed.

12th November – Aylesbury Vale, Prestwood, Wendover Berks & Bucks Cup.

19tth November – Potten End – Away Herts County Cup.

12th November – AVD Sports – not received by 1730 via Full Time.

19th November – Aylesbury Vale – not received by 1730 via Full Time.

Late Team sheets. Rule 21A. £10 fine

12th November – Oving Firsts & Oving Reserves – Not by 6pm Monday.

19th November – Ludgershall Reserves – Not by 6pm Monday.

26th November – Tring Athletic Zebras and Thame B – Not by 6pm Monday.

Free Weeks – All accepted

10th December – FC Aristocrat.

17th December – King Sports.

7th January – King Sports.


Referees Secretary’s Report:

All 59 games were covered by a qualified referee in November.

2 new referees have become available, but there is still an acute shortage of referees and no news from the Berks and Bucks FA regarding future referee courses.

Sophie Dennington has started a role as the Middlesex FA Referee Development Officer, congratulations Sophie.

Concerns have been received by referees regarding the behavior of some clubs towards match officials. The chairman will come to see these clubs.

Incorrect Team sheets – Fined £10 as listed below

5th November – Toqeer Titans – No details on team sheet Rule 21A

– Ayl Vale Reserves – No club or colours on team sheet Rule 21A

12th November – Oving Reserves – No date on team sheet Rule 21A

19th November – AWFC Reserves – No assistant flag Rule 23C

26th November – Rivets – No assistant provided Rule 21A


Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

Please send in pictures so they can be used to advertise teams and ADFL.

The Cup rules are on the website.

Thank you to Stoke Mandeville, Wingrave, AWFC and Elmhurst for their Match Action. Please can clubs update their Team sheets or send a message with match reports before Sunday PM for the write up.


Any Other Business

Please can clubs have a think about potential rule changes they would like to see for next season and let Margaret Stevens know.

The meeting closed at 9 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 4 January 2023.

It has been noted that there are several fixtures not correctly updated on FA Full-Time, despite correspondence informing teams of this. It is important that these records are updated correctly.

Incorrect FA Full-Time – Fined £50 As listed below

8th October – Prestwood only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

15th October – Kings Sport only listed 9 starting players – Rule 21A.

22nd October – Prestwood only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

– Thame Utd B only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

– Kings Sports only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

– Aristocrat only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

– Oving only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

– Wendover Reserves B only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

29th October – Thame Utd D only listed 9 starting players – Rule 21A.

– Wendover Reserves only listed 9 starting players – Rule 21A.

5th November – Wendover Reserves only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

Please see below a summary of all fines

Summary of fines

26th November – Ludgershall Res Vs Wingrave Development – game awarded to Ludgershall. Rule 20 (E) (1) £50 fine.

26th November – Ludgershall Vs Prestwood. Cup Game awarded to Ludgershall. Prestwood unable to field a side. Rule 20 (E) (1) £50 fine.

Late Results Rule 21B £10 fine

12th November – Aylesbury Vale, Prestwood, Wendover Berks & Bucks Cup.

19tth November – Potten End – Away Herts County Cup.

12th November – AVD Sports – not received by 1730 via Full Time.

19th November – Aylesbury Vale – not received by 1730 via Full Time.

Late Team sheets. Rule 21A. £10 fine

12th November – Oving Firsts & Oving Reserves – Not by 6pm Monday.

19th November – Ludgershall Reserves – Not by 6pm Monday.

26th November – Tring Athletic Zebras and Thame B – Not by 6pm Monday.

Incorrect Team sheets – Fined £10 as listed below

5th November – Toqeer Titans – No details on team sheet Rule 21A

– Ayl Vale Reserves – No club or colours on team sheet Rule 21A

12th November – Oving Reserves – No date on team sheet Rule 21A

19th November – AWFC Reserves – No assistant flag Rule 23C

26th November – Rivets – No assistant provided Rule 21A


Incorrect FA Full-Time – Fined £50 As listed below

8th October – Prestwood only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

15th October – Kings Sport only listed 9 starting players – Rule 21A.

22nd October – Prestwood only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

– Thame Utd B only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

– Kings Sports only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

– FC Aristocrat only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

– Oving only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

– Wendover Reserves B only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A.

29th October – Thame Utd D only listed 9 starting players – Rule 21A.

– Wendover Reserves only listed 9 starting players – Rule 21A.

5th November – Wendover Reserves only listed 10 starting players – Rule 21A


ADL Committee Minutes November 2022

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 2 November 2022 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: P Rice, Mrs M Harrison, K Saw, A Skeggs,R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from K Dunnings, M Griffin, N Sabatini

The Minutes: of the meeting of 5 October 2022 were agreed


Matters Arising:

The Chairman has met with Aylesbury Hornets.

All teams with Under 18 players have supplied the names of their welfare officers.

Oving v Stone match 24 September – the scores stand

Wingrave v Stoke Mandeville match 17 September, both teams fined £70 by Berks and Bucks FA. The game is declared void. Rule 20 E 5

The FA approve of games being videoed, however if it is to be put in the public domain consent should be asked of the opposition and officials. Any use of video footage to abuse or harass referees will not be accepted.



There has been a report of a racist incident at a game, the welfare officer has been informed and he has contacted Berks and Bucks FA.

Potten End v Stoke Mandeville reserves – investigations are ongoing.

The contents of the email from Wendover re: a decision of the committee have been noted.

We have been notified that Mick Dench, an ex-player and referee, died on 3 October. Members of ADFL Committee will attend the funeral at Waddesdon Church at 10.30, 4 November.

The Chairman represented the League at Jordan Oxley’s minute of applause

Letter from Prestwood – contents noted and acted upon. Postponed fixture will be re-arranged ASAP, and will count as their free week-end.


Registration Secretary’s Report:

There is an issue with emergency signings not being back-dated.

29 October Wingrave v Aylesbury Hornets -Wingrave played an ineligible player

Fined £50 rule 18 M 1


Fixtures Secretary’s Report

8th October

Wendover Res Vs Wingrave Dev – game awarded to Wendover, Wingrave no team fined £50 rule. 20E

15th October

FC Aristocrat Vs Stoke Mandeville – Cup win awarded to Stoke Mandeville F C Aristocrats unable to field a team. Fined £50 rule 20E

22nd October- Prestwood Vs Wingrave investigations continuing

Late Results Rule 21B £10 fine

8th October Aylesbury Vale Res vs Aylesbury Hornets Home side not by 6pm

15th October Tring Athletic Zebra Vs AVD Sports No result from either by 6pm

29th October Rivets Res & Ludgershall Res No result from either by 6pm

Late Teamsheets. Rule 21A. £10 fine

8th October. Tring Athletic Zebras – not by 6pm. Monday

St Leonard’s – not by 6pm Monday

15th October. Potten End – not by 6pm Monday

29th October Toqeer Titans -not by 6pm Monday

St Leonards – not by 6pm Monday


Referees Secretary’s Report:

There have been a few complaints about referees which Kevin has forwarded to Berks and Bucks FA

There is an acute shortage of referees, but despite this of the 122 games played, only four have not been covered by a referee.

Kevin has requested a referees course from Berks and Bucks, but they have not yet agreed to arrange one locally.

15th October Stoke Mandeville vs Hornets. Hornets failed to pay the referee Rule 23e. Fine £20-00.

There is now a change of k.o.time as the clocks have changed.

There will be a two minute silence at next weekend’s games, 12 November.


Incorrect Teamsheets – Fined £10 as listed below

3rd September – St Leonards – No Referee Mark. Rule 23H

17th September – Haddenham – Teamsheet Not Signed. Rule 21C

– Tring Zebras – No Assistant or First Aider. Rule 21A

– Prestwood – No Details. Rule 21A

– Potten End – No Details. Rule 21A

– Ludgershall Res.- No Details. Rule 21A

– Ludgershall Res.- Late Sheet to Referee. Rule 20A

– Ludgershall Res.- Late Kick-off. Rule 21A

24th September – Ludgershall Res.- No First Aider. Rule 21A

– Toqeer Titans – Late Sheet to Referee. Rule 20A

– Wingrave – No Details. Rule 21A

1st October – Oving Res. – No Confirmation to Referee. Rule 20C

8th October – St Leonards – No Referee Mark. Rule 23H

– Haddenham – Teamsheet Not Signed. Rule 21C

– Tring Zebras – No Details / Assistant Named. Rule 21A

15th October – Tring Zebras – No Assistant Named. Rule 21A

– St Leonards – No Details or First Aider Named. Rule 21A

22nd October – St Leonards – No Referee Mark. Rule 23H

– Prestwood – No Referee Report (Mark was 3). Rule 23I

29th October – Prestwood Res. – No Assistant Named. Rule 21A

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

Please send in pictures so they can be used to advertise teams and ADFL

The Cup rules are on the website.


Any Other Business

Council pitches are in total disarray, Peter has been in communication with the person who has taken over at Aylesbury Council to resolve the problems

Arranged to meet Saturday 5th November at 12-30 Fairford Leys.

The meeting closed at 8.50 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 30 November 2022


ADL Committee Minutes October 2022

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 5 October 2022 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: P Rice K Dunnings, M Griffin, Mrs M Harrison, , R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies N Sabatini, K Saw, A Skeggs

The Minutes: of the meeting of 7 September 2022 were agreed

Matters Arising:

There are some teams on our list on WGS that are not in the league. We realise that Berks and Bucks have some anomalies, but they will deal with them.

The finals of Marsworth senior and Reserve Cups have been changed.

Senior Cup Final – 20 March

Reserve Cup Final -27 March



There has been a message from Steph Clark at Berks and Bucks regarding World Mental Health Day – this has been forwarded to all secretaries and Committee.

Following a query about Cup games all teams need to note that the AWAY team pay the referee, following a change in the rules at the AGM.

The Chairman is to meet Aylesbury Hornets to discuss various issues.

Margaret will contact all teams with Under 18 players to confirm they have a DBS checked manager.

Mark Griffin will be our representative at the Berks and Bucks meetings – which will be held online.

The Michael Anthony Logo has been changed, we need to amend the banners.


Registration Secretary’s Report:



Leon Harding from Aylesbury Vale to Aristocrat

Craig Woolhead Rivets to AV Dynamos

Jordan Hunt Wendover to Stone

Kalson Guiste Ludgershall to Stone

Cheston Prosper Ludgershall to Stone

Prince Chinedu Namene Ludgershall to Stone

Owen Addison Tring Zebras to AW

Akeel Khan Elmhurst to Toqeers Titans.


Reminder: a player must be registered 7 days before the match or 3 emergency registrations per team on match day, excluding cup matches. Registration forms need to be completed in full be-fore presenting them to the opposition to date, sign and put club name on the back. Your team

sheet needs to be added to full time by Monday 6.00pm with the exception of any emergency reg-istrations, these forms need to be with Marcie by Monday and added to the WGS for approval then your team sheet on full time must be completed with the new registered players by 6.00pm Wednesday failing to do this will result in a fine for incorrect/late team sheet. If a player hasn’t come through to full time once registered on WGS please contact Player registrations at the Berks and Bucks for assistance and copy Marcie in.


Wendover v Prestwood both teams incorrectly registering players on the day, game to be replayed


Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Free week

Wendover Firsts 15th October

Oving Firsts 29th October

Great Missenden 19th November


Missing Teamsheets

17th September Tring Ath Zebra – Not by 6pm Monday

24th September AVD Sports – Not by Monday

1st October – Tring Ath Zebra – Not by Monday

– St Leonards – Not by Monday

– Potten End – Not by Monday


Bierton Rec unavailable 29th October – both teams to be away – granted

Aylesbury Vale First & Reserves are playing out of Long Marston – we have not been officially notified.

Aylesbury Hornets & Wendover – both playing at RAF Halton

Teams playing on Council pitches will be registered as “Council Pitch” rather than one particular pitch, which may not be available to them. This will avoid people arriving at the wrong venue,. It will be necessary to contact the team to find out at which venue they are playing.

24 September Prestwood v Tring Zebras – game was abandoned as Tring player was in-jured. Game to be replayed.

24 September Stone v Oving, Decision being made by Berks and Bucks FA

17 September Stoke Mandeville v Wingrave – Decsion by Berks and Bucks FA awaited


Referees Secretary’s Report:

Kevin Dunnings has been standing in for Kevin Saw while he is away, all games have been covered by a referee except for one.

With Kevin Saw back on Monday 10 October several weeks’ teamsheets will be examined.


Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

Please continue to send in match photographs.Thanks to the following clubs for their input:

Great Missenden, Prestwood, Thame B, Elmhurst, Wingrave, Prestwood

AWFC, Oving, Haddenham, St Leonards, King Sports

Thame C, Stoke Mandeville Res, Oving Res, Wingrave Dev, Hornets, Wendover Res, Rivets Res


Any Other Business.

Margaret will contact Berks and Bucks about permission to video games, especially relating to Under 18 players.


The meeting closed at 8.50 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 2 November 2022.


ADL Committee Minutes September 2022

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 7n September 2022 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: P Rice, M Griffin, Mrs M Harrison, N Sabatini, K Saw, A Skeggs, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies: K Dunnings

The Minutes: of the meeting of 3rd August 2022 were agreed

Matters Arising:

Aylesbury Town Council see the ADL as part of the Community Stadium, which they are hoping to have built at some time in the future.

There are teams who have affiliated who are not yet showing up on Full-Time.

Some new teams are having a few problems with our procedures, it may be worth asking new teams at the SGM each year to stay behind for any questions they may have.


There has been a message from Steph Clark at Berks and Bucks with general updates – this has been passed on to all clubs and committee.

The ADFL rules are about to go on to the website.

As Long Marston have withdrawn one team has asked to take their place in the President’s Cup. This is against the policy of the League, and the request has been refused.

There has been concern about the behaviour of Ludgershall reserves.

Treasurer’s Report:

Outstanding FinesRivets owe £10 league fees

Several Clubs did not have a representative for each team at the SGM, despite at least two emails sent to all clubs about this.

Aylesbury Hornets. Did not attend Fine £50 Rule 6h

Thame B, Covid this has not been accepted as an excuse since the beginning of 2022. Rule 6h . Fine £50.

Thame C Covid this has not been accepted as an excuse since the beginning of 2022. Rule 6h, Fine £50.

AWFC, Rivets, Stoke Mandeville, Wingrave. These 4 clubs only sent one representative for both their teams. Rule 6h Fine £50.

Registration Secretary’s Report:

Thame want to enter another team. On enquiry to Berks and Bucks their reply was as fol-lows. “The Management Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur in the mem-bership of the Competition between the AGM or SGM called to decide the constitution and the commence-ment of the Playing Season.” The Committee therefore agreed to this.

They will be named Thame D and will be in the first division.

We currently have 20 players under the age of 18, Margaret will write to the teams involved to find out who is their Welfare Officer.

No player can take part in the league until they attain their 16th birthday.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

All the fixtures for the month are done and the cup draws are done.

Awarded Games

3-9-22 Prestwood Reserves unable to field a side. Game awarded to Thame C Prestwood fined £50 rule. 20e

10-09-22 St Leonards Forfeit County Cup Tie

Late Teamsheet

3-9-22 Aylesbury Hornets – Not by Monday £10.

Free weeks

17-9-22 Thame C and FC Bierton

01-10-22 Haddenham Utd

Rearranged games

3-9-22 Aylesbury Hornets Vs Oving Res – agreed swap to Oving to host. Remains Hornets home game

17-9 Ludgershall Res Vs Aylesbury Vale – agreed to switch to Vale home game, reverse fixture in the future

County Cup Fixtures will show on Full Time – clubs are reminded to tell the League if the games change, they forfeit and they need to send a Result and Scorers manually as per the rules

Referees Secretary’s Report:

There is a desperate shortage of referees, due to sickness, injuries and postings of RAF based refs.

The referees meeting on 25 August was attended by 19 people, where the presentation of last season’s best rookie referee was made to Lee Parrock, and the highest marked referee according to clubs was also Lee Parrock. Kevin will not be available from 19 September to 10 October and from 17th to 21st October, any queries to be addressed to Kevin Dunnings.

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

The new website needs a little updating, only one photograph, one video and 6 messages have been received so far.

Please can Clubs send match results with scorers via text or WhatsApp or update their teamsheet correctly on Full Time by Sunday when the match write up is completed

Any Other Business.

The ADL Reserve Cup and the Marsworth Runner-Up Cup both need to go to Aylesbury Museum.

We need presenters for the various Cups for the coming season, if anyone has contacts please inform us.

After a request by one of the teams at the SGM, the Committee considered the costs for teams to play in the semi-finals of Cups. It was agreed that for this coming season teams in the semi-finals of Cups would pay a nominal fee of £50 each, the rest to be covered by the League. This will be reviewed on an annual basis. General costs will be discussed further at the next meeting.

The meeting closed at 8.55 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 5 October 2022.

The day following our Committee meeting the death of Queen Elizabeth II was an-nounced. The Committee felt it was important to minute this, although it was after the date of our meeting, and we would like to say how sad we are at the news, and to add our condolences to the Royal Family on the death of the Queen, who has served this country loyally for more years than most of us can remember

Semi- final Cup Dates

Saturday 4th March Marsworth Reserve

Saturday 11th March Marsworth

Saturday 18th March Reserve Cup

Saturday 25th March Thomas Field Shield

Saturday 1st April Sheffield Jackman

Saturday 8th April Presidents

Cup Final Dates

Monday 20th March Marsworth Reserve

Monday 27th March Marsworth Senior

Monday 3rd April Reserve

Good Friday 7th April Thomas Field Shield

Monday 17th April Sheffield Jackman

Monday 24th April Presidents Cup

Oving Cup – TBC around ( mid February) with North Bucks