

ADL Committee Minutes April 2024

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 3 April 2024 at Aylesbury Vale Dynamos Ground


Present: P Rice, K Dunnings, M Griffin, Mrs M Harrison, A Morgan, K Saw, A Skeggs, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from N Sabatini

The Minutes: of the meeting of 6 March 2024 were agreed

Matters Arising:

After chasing Berks and Bucks, we have now had a reply from Jon Wood regarding his meeting with Buckinghamshire Council. We will invite him to attend our next meeting.


There has been an email from Berks and Bucks FL. The football season must conclude by 31 May 2024. They are still waiting for confirmation of changes to the Standard code of Rules by the FA. The League Governance Conference will be held on Wednesday 12 June. County FA Awards are currently open for nominations

Treasurer’s Report:

Outstanding fines

Buckinghamshire United 95

Aylesbury Hornets 50

St Leonards 20

Teams participating in finals must pay all outstanding fines before their final.

Registration Secretary’s Report:

No report

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Postponed games:

9th March. Stoke Mandeville Vs Chesham Youth. Chesham unable to raise a side, third offence. Fine £75 rule 20E

Marsworth Semi Finals 2nd March Moved to 13th April. Cup Final moved to Friday 26th April – 1930 KO

Thomas Field Shield Final – 29th March Moved to Friday 10th May 1930 KO

Missing Teamsheets

9th March St Leonard’s – not by 6pm Monday Aylesbury Hornets – not by 6pm Monday

16th March Aylesbury Royals – not by 6pm Monday Potten End – not by 6pm Monday

23rd March Potten End – not by 6pm Monday

30th March Tring Ath Zebras – not by 6pm Monday Potten End – not by 6pm Monday


Free Week request AWFC Res – 4th May – declined as after 1st March

ADL Senior Cup Semi Finals – 4th May Final – 11th May

ADL Junior Cup Semi Finals – 27th April Final – 4th May

Referees Secretary’s Report

All games have been covered by a qualified referee this month.

For teams in Finals – if team colours clash both teams need to change kit.


9 March Potten End late fixture confirmation fined £10 rule 21A. league

Thame Utd C incorrect teamsheet fined £10 rule 21A league

16 March Potten End no referee mark fined £10 rule 23H league

23 March Aylesbury Royals no Club official signature fined £10 rule 21A. league

Thame Utd B no competition name fined £10 rule 21A league

30 March Wendover Res no goalie colours on teamsheet fined £10 rule 21A league

Haddenham no goalie colours on teamsheet fined £10 rule 21A league

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

The weekly write-up will be on the Bucks Herald website, with the potential for photos and videos, also on our Facebook page.

Any Other Business.

The AGM will be held on Thursday 27 June and the SGM on 8 August, both at Rivets Sports and Social Club. We would like to remind you that we need one representative per team, not per club.

Alan Webber (Bierton FC and ex-ADL Committee member) died recently, a memorial ser-vice will be held soon.

There have been several reports of cannabis being used by spectators during a match, and by players after matches. This is an illegal substance, and can affect others nearby. Man-agers need to ban its use by their players and spectators.


The meeting closed at 9.20 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 1 May 2024


ADL Committee Minutes March 2024

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.30p.m. on Wednesday 6 March 2024 at Aylesbury Vale Dynamos Ground


Present: P Rice, K Dunnings, M Griffin, Mrs M Harrison, A. Morgan, A Skeggs, R Small,Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from K Saw. N Sabatini

The Minutes: of the meeting of 7 February 2024 were agreed

Matters Arising:

We have had no communication from Berks and Bucks FA concerning their meeting with Buckinghamshire Council.


Great Missenden queried their fine about late confirmation and late teamsheet.

Aylesbury Hornets queried their fine about not recording referee marks.

After the complaint from one team about the fine issued to another Berks and Bucks FA were consulted and we were informed that only the subject of a decision can submit an ap-peal.

We received a complaint about the language and attitude of the manager of one team, who will be contacted.


Treasurer’s Report:

Outstanding Fines.

Buckinghamshire United £145

Aylesbury Hornets. £40


Registration Secretary’s Report:

The system went down before the cut-off date of 1 March, so some players transfers need to be added.


Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Postponed games

17th February – Thomas Field Shield. Wendover Vs Potten End. Potten End unable to raise a side. Game awarded to Wendover. Potten End fined £50 rule 20E

2nd March – Aylesbury Vale TT Vs Chesham Youth. Chesham unable to raise a side, game awarded to Aylesbury Vale TT. (2nd offence) fine £50 rule 20E

Bucks Utd – Fixtures. 10th Feb – awarded to Oving. 17th Feb – awarded to AWFC Res

Missing Confirmations

10th February – Haddenham Utd – no confirmation of postponement. Rule 20 2B

17th February – Haddenham Utd – no confirmation of County Cup Result Rule 21 B

2nd March – Aylesbury FC – failure to confirm game by Wednesday. FC claimed it was not delivered, but did not chase Elmhurst to confirm they received it.

Missing Teamsheets

3rd Feb. Chesham Youth – incomplete by Wednesday

10th Feb. St Leonards – incomplete by Wednesday

17th Feb. St Leonards – not by 6pm Monday

2nd March. Tring Ath Zebras -not by 6pm Monday. Aylesbury Hornets – not by 6pm Monday


Haddenham have had pitch issues, if they cannot play on it this weekend they will have to find an alternative venue or face a fine.


Referees Secretary’s Report:

10 2.24 Potten End incorrect teamsheet (wrong player) fine £10 rule 21A

No goalkeeper colours on teamsheet fine £10 rule 21A

Wingrave Development N assistant named or club official signature fine £10 rule 21A

24.2.24 Thame Utd C. No club colours fine £10 rule 21A

2.3.24 Aylesbury FC late fixture confirmation fine £10 rule 20C

Mark has recruited a couple more referees, but is still having problems in securing enough for each game, so needs to use some newly-qualified referees on occasion.


Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

The weekly write up will now be on the Bucks Herald Website with the potential for Photos and videos. as well as our FB Page.


Any Other Business.

Buckinghamshire Council have declared some pitches out of action.

The AGM needs to be booked, hopefully the last Monday in June.

The semi-finals and finals of cups were discussed. Because of the very wet weather it may be necessary to rearrange them. Possible presenters of Cups and medals have been


Peter is dealing with the two Marsworth Cups.

Marc will liaise with Thame about the semi-finals of the other cups and Kevin will deal with the finals when he returns from holiday.


The meeting closed at 8.55.m. The next meeting was arranged for 3 April 2024.


ADL Committee Minutes February 2024

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.30p.m. on Wednesday 7 February 2024 at Aylesbury Vale Dynamos Ground


Present: P Rice, M Griffin, Mrs M Harrison, A. Morgan, N Sabatini, A Skeggs, R Small,Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from K Dunnings, K Saw.

The Minutes: of the meeting of 3 January 2024 were agreed

Matters Arising:

A member of Berks and Bucks F A met with Buckinghamshire Council, we were not allowed to attend but sent an email protesting about the cost and condition of Council pitches.

No rule change suggestions have been received. Any club wanting a rule change needs to quote the original rule and the change(s) they would like to make.


Peter has been asked to complete a form by Berks and Bucks FA about an end of season conference.

Ahmar Muktar is to be congratulated following his interview with Berks and Bucks FA, in which he said that regardless of his disability, it has not held him back.

The game between Potten End and Thame B was abandoned and as Potten End were found proven of rule E20 the game has been awarded to Thame B.

Berks and Bucks FA have an early warning system – a support tool for any teams display-ing signs of folding.

Aylesbury Hearts have a new reserve kit, red and green shirts, green shorts and green socks.

Treasurer’s Report:

Outstanding Fines. Buckinghamshire United £100

Failure to Pay Fines by the Due Date – Rule 6J Fined £10 Aylesbury Hornets, Buckinghamshire Utd, and Potten End.

Registration Secretary’s Report:

There has been very little transfer movement

The last date for registration or transfers is 1 March 2024.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Late Teamsheets

6th January

Aylesbury Hornets – not by 6pm Monday

Tring Ath Zebras – not by 6pm Monday

13th January

Aylesbury Hornets – not by 6pm Monday

Potten End – not by 6pm Monday

20th January

AV TT Res – not by 6pm Monday

AV TT Firsts – not by 6pm Monday

Wingrave Dev – – not by 6pm Monday

27th January

Bucks Utd – not within 7 days. £30 Fine so far.

Tring Ath Zebras – – not by 6pm Monday

Postponed games

3rd February.

Bucks Utd Vs Stoke Mandeville Res 2nd offence, unable to raise a side. Game awarded to Stoke Mandeville Res Fine £50 rule 20e

13th January

Great Missenden Vs Chesham Youth

Chesham unable to raise a side. No communication to leave on postponement. Game awarded to Great Missenden. £50 fine rule 20e

Free weeks

Wingrave Development – 17th February. Agreed


ADL Senior and Junior Cup

During March and April, 5 groups of 4 Teams have been divided into the above 2 Cup com-petitions. Some games will be played between League and Cup fixtures based on availa-bilty.

Senior Cup – 8 teams in the top positions over the 3 Divisions. 2 groups of 4. Top 2 into a semi final the winners into the Final.

AWFC, Wendover, Aylesbury Hearts, St Leonards,

AWFC Res, Wingrave, AVTT, Aylesbury FC

Junior Cup – 12 teams in the bottom of the top two divisions and the majority of Division 2. Three groups of four. The top 3 sides into a Semi Final, the best place 2nd placed team also reaches the Semi’s.

Bucks Utd, Rivets Res, Chesham Youth, Wendover Res, Rivets Sports, Tring Ath Zebras, AV TT Res, Wingrave Dev. Ayles Hornets, Steeple & Ludgershall, Thame C, Oving Dev

Aim is to finish by 4th May before the Bank Holiday

Referees Secretary’s Report:


Thame Utd C: No goalkeeper colours on teamsheet rule 21A fine £10 LEAGUE

Aylesbury Hornets: Late referee confirmation rule 20C £10 LEAGUE

Aylesbury Hornets: No referee mark rule 23H fine £10 LEAGUE


Wendover 1st: No assistant named rule 21A fine £10 LEAGUE

Aylesbury Hornets: No referee mark rule 23H fine £10 LEAGUE


Potten End: No goalkeeper colours on teamsheet rule 21A fine £10 LEAGUE

Potten End: Late referee confirmation rule 20C £10 LEAGUE

Buckinghamshire United: No referee mark rule 23H fine £10 LEAGUE


Steeple and Ludgershall: No assistant rule 21A fine £10

Great Missenden: Late confirmation of fixture (01/02/24) rule 20C fine £10

Great Missenden: Late team sheet rule 21A fine £10

All January’s 40 games were covered and some referees attended County Cup games.

Mark reported that he has only been in the referees secretary role a short time, but is alarmed at how badly behaved some teams are becoming. A game on 27th January has resulted in one referee deciding to take a break from the ADL due to poor behaviour of one team. The individual received a barrage of abuse. He dealt with it appropriately, but we have now lost his services due in part to this incident, and other incidents throughout the season.

On another occasion a player who was sent off attacked the opposition’s bench.

There was also a new young referee who received awful abuse and intimidation by one of the teams he was refereeing. This was reported by a spectator, and the matter has been dealt with.

The fear is that soon we will not have enough referees left, as they will leave the sport or just go elsewhere. The situation is worsening, and several clubs need to seriously improve their behaviour.

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

The weekly report is now on the Facebook page

Any Other Business.

Can clubs please send in their suggested Rule changes, and the name of the rule they want changed.

If there is a kit clash the home team has to change, including shorts and socks.

We do not condone the use of drones flying over a pitch during the course of a game, it causes distraction to players and officials.

Peter was wished a Happy 80th Birthday for later this month.

The meeting closed at 9.15p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 6 March 2024

Marsworth Cup matches

The game between AW and AV on 25 November was abandoned, the date of the appeal was set 1 day too late, so County did not deal with it. The Committee decided to remove both clubs from the Marsworth Cup.

Wingrave Development played an ineligible player in the Marsworth reserve Cup, so the game has been awarded to Wendover reserves. Mr Morgan was asked to leave the room when the matter was discussed.


ADL Committee Minutes January 2024

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.30p.m. on Wednesday 3 January 2024 at Aylesbury Vale Dynamos Ground


Present: P Rice, K Dunnings, M Griffin, N Sabatini, K Saw, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from Mrs M Harrison, A. Morgan A Skeggs, R Small,

The Minutes: of the meeting of 6 December 2023 were agreed

Matters Arising:

There were none


Stoke Mandeville have a new away kit, light grey shirts and green GK shirt.

AW v Ayles Vale Marsworth Senior Cup match held on 25 November 2023 was abandoned and the Berks and Bucks FA said it was due to the conduct of both teams. Both teams have appealed and there is to be a hearing on 9 January.

Rod Noble of Berks and Bucks FA would like to attend one of our meetings, but they have not yet resolved the problems we told them of at our September meeting.

AWFC are attempting to work with St John’s to rectify the problems with the changing rooms.

Potten End want a meeting with the committee, which will be held after their hearing with Herts FA, the date of which has not been set.

We have received a query about timing of pitch inspections, and Rule 20 was quoted:

Clubs must take all reasonable precautions to keep their Grounds in a playable condition and if the occasion arises, either club shall contact the ADFL allocated pitch inspector no later than three (3) hours before the ad-vertised kick-off time who will decide as to the fitness of the pitch

Registration Secretary’s Report:

No report.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Postponed games

9th December Aylesbury Royals Vs Wendover: Aylesbury Royals unable to raise a side, League cup game awarded to Wendover

Missing Teamsheets

11th November Bucks Utd never received – over 21 days fine increases to £50

2nd December Aylesbury Hornets – not by 6pm Monday

9th December Aylesbury Hornets – not by 6pm Monday

St Leonard’s – not by 6pm Monday

16th December Potten End and Bucks Utd – over 7 days late £30 fine

Free Weeks

20th January – Wendover Res agreed

27th January – Haddenham and Chesham Youth agreed

Referees Secretary’s Report:

Peter thanked Kevin for all his work as Referees Secretary, and welcomed Mark Griffin as the new Referees Secretary.

9 December

Aylesbury Hearts no date on teamsheet rule 21A fine £10

Aylesbury FC. No GK colours on teamsheet rule 21A fine £10

St Leonards no referee mark rule 23H fine £10

Aylesbury Hornets no referee mark rule 23H fine £10

16 December

Gt Missenden late ko, no corner flags rule 20A fine £10

Stoke Mandeville no assistant named rule 21A fine £10

Stoke Mandeville. 2 subs no shirt numbers rule 19G fine £10

Bucks Utd no referee mark rule 23H fine £10

Potten End no referee mark rule 23H fine £10


Bill Cleere who was the president of Wycombe Referees Association has been awarded an OBE in the New Years Honours list.

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

The weekly report is now on the Facebook page

Any Other Business.

Can clubs please send in their suggested Rule changes, and the name of the rule they want changed.

There was discussion on the format of the Cup Finals.


ADL Committee Minutes December 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury & District Football League Committee held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 6 December, 2023 at Aylesbury Vale Dynamos, Haywood Way, Aylesbury.


Present: P.Rice, K . Saw , M. Thoday , A.Morgan , K.Dunnings , M.Harrison , M.Griffin.

Apologies: M.Stevens , R.Small , A.Skeggs , N.Sabatini ( on line with Berks & Bucks AGM).

The Minutes: of the meeting on 1st November 2023 were agreed but there was an omission of Roger Small phone number 07907 740397.

Matters Arising:

Bucks County Council pitches & facilities report published in the Bucks Herald has been forwarded to Berks & Bucks FA . We are still awaiting a response .

We have had NO response from AWFC regarding the condition of their changing facilities and toilets.

Aylesbury FC have changed their kit colours to Sky Blue/Black/Sky Blue with their previous kit becoming their 2nd kit in the event of a colour clash.

Berks & Bucks issued invitations to Key Consultation Events but the committee were unsure if all clubs had received it.


Potten End FC are suggesting a Rule change and we are awaiting their formally worded suggestion. They also requested a meeting with the ADL Committee.

Chesham Youth queried the levying of fines impacting upon their finances. The ADL Secretary replied the Committee is in place to uphold the rules of the League and offered help should Chesham Youth need any further explanation.

Treasurer Report:

Michael Anthony sponsorship was paid to ADL ,should be split with Marsworth Cup.

Outstanding fines due Aylesbury Hornets, Buckinghamshire Utd, Haddenham, Potten End & St Leonards will now be increased due to non-payment last month. These teams urgently need to contact Tony Skeggs (Treasurer).

Registration Secretary Report:

Wendover wanted to sign a player who has already been signed by 2 teams this season. The Committee have agreed under its powers of Special Permission to permit the transfer as the player had not actually played for one of the previous 2 clubs, despite being registered.

Refer to Rule 18H . Once a player has registered for a team and then registers to another during the season can only then re-sign back to the original team and cannot register for a 3rd team in the same season except with Special Permission from the Committee.

Wing FC asked if they were allowed to sign a player on a Marsworth Cup match day. They were told NO.

Fixtures Secretary Report :

Haddenham , Stoke Mandeville , Aylesbury Royals & Potten End are falling behind with League games compared to other teams ,which may result in other teams not playing every week.

Clubs should not assume replying to the FA Full Time text constitutes sending in a result. There have been occasions where the result has not shown. To avoid a fine for a missing result showing or manually text the Fixture Secretary as a back up.

Postponed games: Awaiting updates from relevant County FA ‘s

4th November (League) Thame B V Potten End – Game Abandoned

25th November ( Marsworth) Aylesbury Vale TT v AW FC – Game Abandoned

Free Weeks: 16th December Wendover First – Agreed

Late Teamsheets:

4th November

Oving Dev. – NOT by 6pm Monday £10 fine RULE 21B

11th November

St Leonards – NOT by 6pm Monday £10 fine Rule 21B, Buckinghamshire Utd – over 7 days late £30 fine Rule 21B

18th November Aylesbury Hornets – NOT by 6pm £10 fine Rule 21B

25th November Aylesbury Hornets over 7 days late Fine £30 Rule 21B

Late Game Confirmation:

25th November Potten End FC Late confirmation ( Friday) of game & kit colours as away side. Rule 20C Fine £10

Referee Secretary Report:

During November all 54 games were covered with badged officials.

Kevin went along to a Berks & Bucks referee course in Aylesbury in November and was able to recruit up to 6 new officials. These new referees will gain appointments in the New Year.

Remind ALL teams when marking officials to refer to the idiots guide as some marking bears no resemblance to the marking criteria as issued .

Referees will be reminded to enforce the FA RULING that club assistants are not permitted to coach their team during play but must adhere only to their responsibilities in assisting the referee.

Another reminder that ALL teams must adhere to :

Law 4 : All items of jewellery (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earings , leather bands, rubber bands. Snoods etc) are forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewellery is NOT permitted.

The 2 teams MUST wear colours that distinguish them from each other and match officials.

Each goalkeeper must wear colours that are distinguishable from all other players and officials, to include shirts and stockings.

If in the opinion of the referee they are not distinguishable then the home team shall change colours ( ADL Rule 19).


4th Nov Ayles. Roya ls– NO club colours on TS 21A £10 Field Shield

“ Tring Zebras — NO name or Signature on TS 21A £10 League

“ Stoke Mandeville – Named assistant unreadable 21A £10 Pres. Cup

11th Nov Wendover — NO GK Colours on TS 21A £10 League

“ Wingrave Dev. – Named assistant unreadable 21A £10 League

18th Nov Oving — NO Referee Mark 23H £10 League

“ Wingrave Dev – Named assistant unreadable 21A £10 League

“ Ayles. Hornets – NO Colours on TS 21A £10 League

“ Bucks Utd – NO date on TS 21A £10 Field Shield

“ “ 13.45 late KO 20A £10 Field Shield

18th Nov Ayl. Vale TT Res. – 2 players no. 20 shirt 19 G £10 League

“ AW FC Res. – NO colours or GK on TS 21A £10 League

25th Nov. Ayles. Hearts – NO GK Colours on TS 21A £10 League

“ Bucks Utd – NO names assistant on TS 21A £10 League

“ “ “ – NO first aider on TS 25 £10 League

“ Ayles. Vale TT – NO Competition on TS 21A £10 Field Shield

“ Stoke Mand Res. – NO date on TS 21A £10 League

“ AW FC Res. – NO GK colours on TS 21A £10 League

“ Ayles. Hornets – NO Referee mark 23H £10 League

2nd Dec Potten End – Late referee confirmation 20C £10 League

“ Stoke Mandeville – Named assistant unreadable 21A £10 Field Shield

“ Wendover Res – Team sheet 10 mins late to referee 20A £10 Res Cup

“ Oving Dev. – NO GK colours on TS 21A £10 League


With effect January 1st 2024 the Referee Secretary is changing to : Mark Griffin 07734 630080

Mark will assume all duties previously attributed to Kevin Saw .



Elmhurst FC will now be playing their home fixtures @ Kingsbrook School 4g PITCH with 14.30 ko if agreed by opponents & Referee. Otherwise they revert to 2pm ko @ alternative venue if necessary. Rule 21 B.

Bucks Council have apologised to the League for their action in calling off Dec 2nd games too early in the week and have promised to liaise more closely with the League in future .

We will be inviting Potten End to attend a Committee meeting at a date in the New Year pending County FA decisions.

Teams are reminded of Rule 20A in respect of 3 hour ruling when considering a pitch as being unfit to play and requiring inspection . NO team is allowed to postpone any game prior to League consultation see Rule 21.

Presidents Cup Qtr Finals;

Oving/Ayles. Hornets v Wingrave/AW FC

Wendover.Ayles.Royals v Stoke Mandeville/ Haddenham

Ayles. FC /Chesham Youth v Elmhurst/ Ayles. Hearts

Gt. Missenden v Tring Zebras/SC & Ludgershall


Following our change of venue for Committee meetings, Aylesbury Vale Dynamos was agreed as a suitable venue and will continue for future meetings.

This meeting included Field Shield Committee and Marsworth Cup Competition.


Next Committee meeting will be @ 19.30 on Wednesday 3RD January, 2024.

Meeting ended @ 9.23pm

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

ADL Committee Minutes November 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.30p.m. on Wednesday 1November 2023 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: P Rice, M Griffin, A Morgan,K Saw, N Sabatini, A Skeggs, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from K Dunnings, Mrs M Harrison,

The Minutes: of the meeting of 4 October 2023 were agreed

Matters Arising:

Potten End appealed about the fine for an incomplete teamsheet, but Marc has explained the reason for the fine to them.

One of the semi-final pitches at Thame will need to be staked, Roger has the necessary equipment.

We are still awaiting a response from Buckinghamshire Council and from Berks and Bucks FA about the council pitches.


Berks and Bucks FA have sent details of an early warning system for teams in trouble.

They also asked what we do to support clubs who are having problems – a reply has been sent.

They have informed us that someone wants to start a Sunday League in this area, and asked our opinion as a committee – a reply has been sent.

Treasurer’s Report:

Outstanding fines:

Aylesbury Hornets £10

Buckinghamshire Utd £50

Elmhurst £15

Potten End appeal pending. £10

Registration Secretary’s Report:

No report

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Late Teamsheets. Rule 21B

7th October  Wingrave Dev – Not by 6pm Monday

Buckinghamshire Utd – Not fully completed. days £30 fine

14th October. Buckinghamshire Utd – over 7 days late (£30 fine currently) 

21st October Aylesbury Royals – not by 6pm Monday

Oving Dev – not fully completed by Wednesday 6pm

28th October. Aylesbury Hornets – not by 6pm Monday

St Leonards – not by 6pm Monday. Buckinghamshire Utd – not by 6pm Monday

Free Weeks

18th November  Stoke Mandeville Firsts (2nd request). Great Missenden,

Aylesbury Royals

November 25th  Rivets Reserves

Aylesbury FC request declined for 28th October as not within 4 weeks

Postponed games

Potten End Vs Stoke Mandeville – rescheduled due to a funeral 


The Oxford Road, from Fairford Leys to Sedrup is due to be closed due to HS2 works from Friday 17th to Monday 20th.  There is no access bar residents via Sedrup. Please check the situation before going to any venue that may be affected.

Games have been attempted to be moved to accommodate where possible

The same issue could arise on the 1st – 4th December. 

Clubs are reminded they MUST NOT amend KO times on FA Full Time. This will be completed by the Fixtures Secretary once confirmation by both teams and the Referee has been received via email. KO Times are now 2pm for League Games and 1330 for Cup Games until March 2024, If your opponent is happy to change the KO time it can be agreed, if they do not the League rules must be followed as above. 

Referees Secretary’s Report:

All games have been covered so far.

The sportsmanship marks given by referees to teams averages at less than 80%.

The highest marks have been given to Wingrave Reserves.

Please note that NO rings or jewellery are permitted on the football field, it is not sufficient to tape rings. Colours for opposing teams must be different, both shirts AND socks – rule 19.


9.9. S/C Ludgershall no first aider fine £10 rule 21A

7.10 Elmhurst – no team name, clolours or GK colours. Fine £10 rule 21A

Haddenham – no competition name or signature on teamsheet fine £10 rule 21A

14.10 St Leonards -wrong date (14.9.23) fine £10 rule 21A

Aylesbury Hearts no GK colours on teamsheet fien £10 rule 21A

Haddenham no signature on teamsheet fine £10 rule 21A

Buckinghamshire Utd no referee mark finr £5 rule 23H

21.10 Aylesbury Hornets no ref confirmation until Friday fine£10 rule 20C

Potten End incorrect shirt numbers fine £5 rule 19

Potten End wrong competition team sheet fine £10 rule 21A

Wendover Reserves no date on teamsheet fine £10 rule 21A

28.10 Chesham Youth no team name on teamsheet fine £10 rule 21A

Gt Missenden no colours on teamsheet fine £10 rule 21A

Elmhurst no GK colours on teamsheet fine $10 rule 21A


The dressing rooms for AWFC are not in a fit state.

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

Thank you to Stoke Mandeville, Haddenham and Aylesbury Hornets for match action.  More clubs should provide match action

Any Other Business

Please note there is to be a one minute silence on 11 November before the start of games

Roger has a new phone number, it is

Cup Dates






B&B Round 1

Herts Round 1






B&B CT Round 6


Herts Round 1



Oving Cup S/F 1




Oving Cup Final 2




Herts Round 2



Marsworth Sen SF


B&B CT Round 2



Marsworth Res SF

B&B CT Final


B&B DG Round 3



FIeld Shield S/F




Marsworth Sen Final








Marsworth Res Final


B&B CT Round 3

Herts Round 3



Field Shield Final


B&B DG Round 3



Sheff Jackman S/F


Marsworth Sen PL

Marsworth Res R1





Oving Cup Final




League Cup S/F


B&B CT Round 4



ADL Res Final


B&B DG Round 4

Marsworth Sen R1







Sheff Jackman Final





B&B CT Round 5

Marsworth Res QF



League Cup Final


B&B DG Round 5

Marsworth Sen QF




Herts Round 4






Season Ends



ADL Committee Minutes October 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.30p.m. on Wednesday 4 October 2023 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: P Rice, K Dunnings, M Griffin, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Also present was Ashley Morgan

Apologies were received from Mrs M Harrison, N Sabatini, K Saw A Skeggs

The Minutes: of the meeting of 9 September 2023 were agreed


Matters Arising:

There were none



There is an Early Warning System being arranged by Berks and Bucks, for any clubs that are having difficulties. The League needs to contact Berks and Bucks with details.

There is a manager from a recent division 2 match who is under investigation for miscon-duct.

A division one game is being dealt with by Berks and Bucks FA for a melee.


Registration Secretary’s Report:

St Leonards are in correspondence with Herts FA over registration issues.


Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Postponed games

16th September Aylesbury Royals Vs Haddenham Utd – abandoned 12 minutes due to a broken leg to a Haddenham player – to be replayed

23rd September

Buckinghamshire Utd Vs Oving. Game awarded to Oving, Buck Utd unable to raise a side. £50 fine. Rule 20E

30th September

Elmhurst V AWFC Res – abandoned 82 minutes due to broken leg of AWFC player – set to be replayed.

Late Teamsheets

9th September, Wingrave Dev. 10 players listed and signings on the date not back date. £30 fine rule as over 21 days late

30th SeptemberAWFC Reserves – not by 6pm

Aylesbury Hornets – not by 6pm

Potten End – incomplete teamsheet by Wednesday



Aylesbury Hearts were under suspension prior to 16th September, but contacted the B&B who confirmed fine was paid, but B & B failed to lift the ban on WGS.

Can clubs please monitor WGS regularly to check all is in order.


When a club has a suspended player, can they please inform Berks and Bucks FA when the suspension is completed, so it can be removed from the website.


Referees Secretary’s Report:

Sept 9. Rivets – no assistant named Fine £10 rule 21A

Sept 22 Thame B late referee confirmation. Fined £10 rule 20C

Sept 23 Haddenham no named assistant, club signature fined £10 rule 21A

Rivets no named assistant, GK colours fined £10 rule 21A

Elmhurst no assistant flag

Sept 30 Elmhurst no club name, no club colours fined £10 rule 21A

AW FC Res were late (14.25) in giving their team sheet to referee £10 Rule 23E


Referee game coverage is currently 100%. We now have 26 referees on the ADL panel,

Also had 4 reports from teams about referees.

2022/23 the highest club marked referee was Lee Parrack, and the highest rookie referee was Nathan Parrin.


Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

The weekly report is now on the Facebook page


Roger’s Report

Roger has watched some games; a new referee Adrian Green was very good.

Another game between Stoke Mandeville and Elmhurst was played in a very good manner, but in a third game he watched the manager was very offensive and abusive.


Any Other Business.

.Condolences to Harry Collins of AWFC who broke his leg in two places while playing in a match v Elmhurstl. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Thame have agreed for us to hold all the Cup semi-finals there.

The Marsworth Cup and Reserve Cup finals will be held at Tring, 18n and 25 March respec-tively.


The meeting closed at 9.00 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 1 November 2023


ADL Committee Minutes September 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.30p.m. on Wednesday 13 September 2023 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: P Rice, K Dunnings, M Griffin, Mrs M Harrison, K Saw, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday. Also present was Rod Noble from Berks and Bucks FA.

Paul Timms Chair of Aylesbury United Women’s football also joined us later to take part iin the discussion about the state of pitches.

Apologies were received from N Sabatini ,A Skeggs,

The Minutes: of the meeting of 2 August 2023 were agreed

Matters Arising:

Since the last meeting Toqeer Titans will not be continuing, they have now merged with Aylesbury Vale and will be playing at Haddenham Airfield, and called Aylesbury Vale Toqeer Titans


Aylesbury Hearts have changed their training ground to Walton Court Playing Fields, and

Their home ground to Edinburgh Playing Fields.

Berks and Bucks will be having Inclusion Training for leagues on 11 December, via the in-ternet. Nik and Kevin D are willing to log in.

There have been queries about various procedures by new teams, they have all been an-swered.

We have received comments about the state of the pitches, the changing facilities and the cost of hiring the pitches in Aylesbury Vale.

Wendover’s home ground is now back at the John Colet School

Treasurer’s Report:

All the league and cup fees were paid before the deadline, so there are no fines due.

Deposits have been returned to Prestwood and Toqeer Titans less fines as per the league rules.

Kings Sports have now returned the Sheffield Jackman trophy.

Registration Secretary’s Report:

Everyone has now registered successfully.

To register a player, 2 can be registered before midday on Friday before Saturday’s match,

3 can be registered on the Saturday, per team.

For Cup games registrations must be made 7 days before.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Free weeks

9th September. Oving 1sts and Development, Aylesbury Hornets

30th September. Haddenham Utd

7th October. Stoke Mandeville

Cup Draws have been made and are Online

Late game confirmation

Potten End – confirmed Friday before the game on 9th September. Fined £10 rule 21B

Late Teamsheets

None – thank you to most teams who added their Teamsheets ok. Guidance was given to a few, fines will now be applicable if they are not fully completed with the below by 6pm Mon-day

· Players who started

· Players who started as substitutes

· Players who came on and went off with the approx time

· Goal scorers and the minutes scored

· Yellow and red cards and minutes


Referees Secretary’s Report:

We are in dire straits, there are no spare referees. When people complete their referees course we are not being given their names because of GDPR. There is no communication from Berks and Bucks FA.

Rod Noble informed the committee that a new referees secretary has just been appointed, and Rod would pass our concerns about the lack of information about referees to him.

Also we need local courses to be run for people locally who want to take part.

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

Please send in reports and photographs.

Any Other Business.

There are spare branded match balls available at £10 each, a set of 5 with a ball carrier and 6 water bottles for £60.

There was some discussion with the representative from Berks and Bucks about the state of the pitches for hire in Aylesbury. Edinburgh Playing Field have no showers and the Council do not have money to fund a new boiler. Walton Courts changing facilities have a damaged roof and Bedgrove do not have up to date changing facilities. Rod Noble was also shown pictures of the state of the playing surface on one of the pitches.

There are 319 teams in Aylesbury Vale, mostly youth. There should be 8.5 full sized pitches and there are 2.75. We have reached out to Bucks Council, with no positive out-comes and we need the support of Berks and Bucks FA to help our cause. Rod agreed to meet with members of Berks and Bucks FA to see what help they could provide. There are funds available, but only to individual clubs, not for Council pitches.

The meeting closed at 8.55 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 4 October 2023


ADL Committee Minutes August 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.30p.m. on Wednesday 2 August 2023 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: P Rice, K Dunnings, Mrs M Harrison, M Griffin, N Sabatini A Skeggs, R Small, Mrs M

Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from. K Saw

The Minutes: of the meeting of 5 July 2023 were agreed, but the date of the next meeting wasIncorrect.

Matters Arising:

Potten End, Toqeer Titans and Thame B did not attend the SGM. £50 fine rule 30


Buckinghamshire Council have been contacted about their pitches and changing rooms, since then we have received information about other people within the Council to contact.

Rod Noble of Berks and Bucks is to attend the September meeting, and we have already informed him of the pitch problems, so we will pass the information on to him, in the hope that he will be able to have more power to influence the Council.

Berks and Bucks have issued a notice about points deductions for teams that have behav-iour problems. This has already been sent to the clubs.

Registration Secretary’s Report:

4 teams have so far done nothing about registering their players:-

Potten End

St Leonards


Each fined £25 rule 2G (1)

There is a deadline of 31 August for all teams to have 14 players registered, in order to com-mence the season.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

No fixtures can be arranged until all the teams have been affiliated.

There was a complaint made that there may not be enough fixtures, with reserve teams be-ing unable to enter some of the cups. A suggestion was made that for the reserve cup there could be two divisions, each playing a round robin, with the winners and runners-up of each division playing each other.

The Sheffield Jackman Cup is for first teams only, and will remain that way.

Referees Secretary’s Report:

Kevin is still in need of referees. Berks and Bucks have promised to create more referee courses for the coming year, again Rob Noble will be questioned about this in September.

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

Clubs are reminded of the extension of the FullTime teamsheet to now include

· players who started

· Players who started as substitutes

· Players who came on and went off

· Goal scorers and the minutes scored

· Yellow and red cards

These need completing by the 6pm deadline a Monday after a game.

If you need help with this process please ask Marc for assistance

Any Other Business

There are some surplus footballs, bags etc. from what was supplied for existing teams, if new teams want to purchase them we will work out the cost and make them available.

Please do not over-inflate the balls it puts pressure on the seams and shortens their life.

A prospective new club has been interviewed by members of the committee.

Some of the roles previously carried out by Peter have been taken up by committee mem-bers.

Reports on unplayable pitches to Kevin Dunnings

Booking of semi-finals – Marc Thoday

Booking of finals etc. – Marcie Harrison

Aylesbury Town Council liaison – Tony Skeggs

The meeting closed at 8.50 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 13 September 2023


ADL Committee Minutes July 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 5 July 2023 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury


Present: P Rice, Mrs M Harrison, K Saw, R Small, K Dunnings, M Griffin, N Sabatini. Mrs M Stevens.

Apologies were received from A Skeggs, M Thoday,

The Minutes: of the meeting of 7 June 2023 were agreed

Matters Arising:

ADL/Marsworth fees for Tring Athletic FC have been paid


Buckinghamshire Council have been contacted, and asked to attend the Secretaries meeting on 31 July, to discuss the football grounds and amenities in Aylesbury. We have not as yet had a reply.

Following the AGM there was discussion about the Cups each team could enter. It was decided that they could enter four cups, plus the Oving Cup if applicable. The clubs will be informed by email.

Aylesbury Hornets will be playing at Bierton FC ground next season, as well as Aylesbury F.C. (formally Stone F.C.)

Registration Secretary’s Report:

Teams need to go on the WGS, it is available from 7 July.

Team sheet books have been ordered

The registration form has been amended, so the necessary information for Marcie is all on one side, making it necessary to only scan in one side.

As discussed at the AGM the rule change means two players need to be registered by Friday mid-day and three on match day, with the manager’s approval.

Transfers should be paid direct by bank transfer prior to being submitted and the transfers are not completed until the fee is in the bank.

14 players per team need to be registered by the Sunday before the SGM.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Marc needs to know when the league is affiliated, so he can check facts with Alastair. The proposed divisions will be sent out to clubs for their comments.

If Clubs have changed their pitches since last season, can they please confirm.

Referees Secretary’s Report:

Emails have been sent out for next season’s referees, and there have been 10 replies so far. We need a minimum of 20 referees for the season.

The information about the highest marks and the best rookie will be declared at the referees meeting on 6 September.

Berks and Bucks FA have sent out a request for referees for various leagues, we should ask them to include ADFL.

The Committee are looking into why details of Referees requirement are missing from the present rules.

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

Can clubs send information on friendly or player requests via WhatsApp, email or the Facebook Page

Any Other Business

Nik has sourced some lightweight jackets for Committee who need to go out to games.

We need to ask someone from Berks and Bucks FA to come to the SGM and give their support for the need for pitches in Aylesbury.

We still need a Chair for the Committee.

Meetings will be at 7.30 in future, 7.00 is too early for some members.

The President’s Cup will be renamed the Tom Munt League Cup.

The meeting closed at 8.50. The next meeting will be on Wednesday 13 September at 7.30 p.m.
