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Marc Thoday

ADL Committee Minutes May 2022

Season 2021-22 final results

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 4 May 2022 at The Tennis Club, Aylesbury



Present: P Rice, K Dunnings, M Griffin, Mrs M Harrison, N Sabatini, A Skeggs, R Small, Mrs M

Stevens, M Thoday.


Apologies were received from T Munt, K Saw


The Minutes: of the meeting of 6 April 2022 were amended. AWFC had an outstanding fine of

£50, but this was incorrect, they have no fines, and never have had.

The expenditure under Treasurer’s report was incorrect, Trophies at £1,223 should have been included.


Matters Arising:

Prestwood had queried their fine for no teamsheet in the West Herts Cup, the fine of £30 stands, rule 23.



Aylesbury Vikings will be withdrawing from the league next season. They have a player who owes money and have been advised to contact Berks and Bucks about this.

Hale Leys will also be withdrawing from the league next season.

Berks and Bucks have reminded the league that a DBS check is necessary for teams with under 18 players.

Berks and Bucks have sent out their proposed amendments to the rules, these have been passed to the clubs.

ADFL have also sent their proposed rule amendments to clubs, together with next season’s forms.

Robin Woolman has died, he was the go-to person concerning rules at Berks and Bucks. We are waiting to hear from B& B who we should contact with our condolences.

The minimum requirements for an ADL football match especially mid-week are one chang-ing room and one toilet.

If a team wish to appeal a fine, they have seven days from the production of the minutes in which to do so. The minutes are almost always sent out on the Monday following a meet-ing, and any queries concerning the content should be sent to the Secretary.

Aylesbury Town Council want a meeting with Peter and Tony concerning local pitches.

Following queries about teams folding mid season, the rule is that if they have played less than 75% of their games all results will be expunged, however, after 75% the remaining fix-tures need to be accounted for, or different teams will have played different numbers of games. Adopting the same principal as a club failing to fulfil a fixture the points are awarded to the opposition, with a 0-0 score.

AVD Sports played someone who was not registered with them in their game against Stoke Mandeville on Saturday 9 March. Game awarded to Stoke Mandeville AVD Sports £50 fine rule. 18O

The Inter-league cup final was due to be held on Tuesday 10 May, however one of the semi-finals was abandoned, so the final has been put on hold.

Can we please remind ALL teams that at all times they should have an assistant’s flag available in case of an emergency


Treasurer’s Report:

Outstanding Fines

Aylesbury Raiders – 320.00

Aylesbury Vikings – 85.00

Prestwood 30

Rivets 20

St Johns 100



Registration Secretary’s Report:

There was a discussion about various roles within the committee, the secretary will draw up a list of individual agreed responsibilities.


Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Postponed games:

30th April – Wendover Res Vs FC Bierton. Wendover unable to raise a side. £50 fine, game awarded to Bierton. Rule 20E

Wendover also fined as no confirmation of postponement to the League fined £10 rule 20E


Missing Teamsheets

09/04/22. Ludgershall Res – not by Monday £10. Rule 21A

Wendover Res – nothing received £50. Rule 21A

12/04/22. Wendover Res – nothing received £50 Rule 21A

16/04/22. Wendover Res – not by Monday £10. Rule 21A

AFC Berryfields- nothing yet £30. Rule 21A

23/04/22. AFC Berryfields – nothing yet £30. Rule 21A

30/04/22. Ayles Vale – nothing so far.

Ludgershall 1st – nothing so far


Congratulations to

Premier Division Winners – Hale Leys. Runners Up – Gt Missenden

Division One winners – Wingrave. Runners up – FC Bierton

Division Two winners – Aylesbury Vale, Runners Up – Aylesbury Vikings Reserves


Referees Secretary’s Report:

9 April – Aristocrat – no team sheet to referee fined £5 rule 20A

Elmhurst – late confirmation with referee fined £10 rule 20C

Wendover Reserves – no referees mark fined £5 rule 23H

19 April – Elmhurst – no Assistant fined £5 rule23C

26 April – Stone Utd – late referee confirmation fined £10 rule 20C

30 April – Ludgershall – no assistant fined £5 rule 23C

Rivets Res. No club assistant on team sheet. RULE 23C fined £5


Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

Since the Cup Finals there have been a lot more followers on Facebook.


Any Other Business.

No more surveys have been returned

The Edinburgh Playing Fields are out of action

There were mistakes in the Cup Finals programmes, they need to be proof read.

We have potentially four new teams.

There was a discussion about the Cup Finals and where they should be held next year.

It was decided to hold an in-depth meeting at the beginning of next year.


The meeting closed at 9.00 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 1 June 2022