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Marc Thoday

ADL Committee Minutes September 2024

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 4 September 2024 at Aylesbury Vale Dynamos Ground


Present: K Saw, K Dunnings, M Griffin Mrs M Harrison, A Morgan, P Rice, R Small,Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from N Sabatini, A Skeggs.

The Minutes: of the meeting of 31 July 2024 were agreed, with the amendment to explain that

Haddenham will only be charged by the Parish Council when they are able to play on their pitch.

Matters Arising:

We are still waiting for a date suitable for Alastair to meet with the Secretary and Chair.


Buckinghamshire United have appealed against their removal from the league. They have not yet affiliated.

Aylesbury FC have changed their kit colour to grey tops, black shorts and grey socks. Their blue kit will be their second kit.

There will be an adult referee course on 12 & 13 October at Ascot.

Stoke Mandeville have a new reserve manager Lee Benton 07900996455.

Aylesbury Hearts Home ground will be Edinburgh Playing Fields.

AVDFC Spartans have folded

Aylesbury Lions will no longer have a reserve team.

Thame have been put into Division 1

A new Code of Conduct has been sent from the FA. Love Football. Protect the Game: 2024-25 Grassroots Football Season

Registration Secretary’s Report:

There have been several enquiries about rules concerning signing on players. Two can be signed before Friday midday, and three on the matchday – excluding cups.

Players who have played at a higher level for 6 matches need to wait 21 days to play at grass roots level.

Forms and queries need to be sent in by just one person from a club.

If it comes to the attention of the Committee that any players are being paid, it must be reported. We are an amateur league and do not receive payment for playing.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

All fixtures are done till the end of September

Two clubs have arranged matches against Aylesbury Prison.

Free Weeks

Haddenham – 21st September. – County Cup Date

Aylesbury Hornets – 21st September – County Cup Date

Wendover – 28th September -First XI – agreed

Aylesbury Royals – 28th September – agreed

All Council Pitches are back available, could clubs using them please provide any feedback on their condition, from the pitch to the changing facilities.

Clubs are reminded that they must not rely on the FA Full Time text for Results, they should check the website to ensure it’s been received correctly, a back-up to guarantee avoiding a fine is to also manually send it via Text or Whatsapp to the Fixtures Secretary on 07738215353.

Clubs most not change a KO time or pitch location without informing the Fixtures Secretary. Things will usually be granted with mutual agreement with both teams and the Official.

Referees Secretary’s Report:

The pre-season meeting of referees was held on 27 August.

The winning rookie referee was Stephen Griffiths, Neil Harding won overall.

There will be a referee course here on 6 October which Mark will attend to scout for new referees.

Coverage of referees for matches is o.k. until the end of the month, when it may be difficult.

Mark will not find referees for friendly matches in future.

Any Other Business

Pitch inspections have been made, the teams with problem pitches have been emailed.

Mark has enquired about a new source of programmes for Cup Finals.

The meeting closed at 9.13 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 2 October 2024

Cup Draws 2024-25

Thomas Field Shield 

Quarter Final
Stoke Mandeville Vs Oakley Utd
Wendover Vs AWFC
Great Missenden Vs A.Hornets
AWAC Vs Brewster FC


Presidents League Cup 

Quarter Final
Wingrave Vs Tring Athletic A
Ayles Hearts Vs Great Miss / AWFC
Wendover Vs Ayles Hornets
Elmhurst Vs Stoke Mandeville


Sheffield Jackman Cup

Quarter Final
Rivets Sports Vs Ayles Hearts
Ayles Hornets Vs Aylesbury FC
Thame B Vs St Leonards
Oving Vs Plough Penguins


ADL Reserce Cup

Quarter Final
Ayles Hornets Res Vs AV TT Res
Oving Res Vs Wendover Res
Stoke Mandeville Res Vs Rivets Reserves
Thame C Vs Wingrave Dev


Marsworth Senior Cup

Quarter Finals
Great Missenden v Stoke Mandeville
Oving v Tring Athletic A
Elmhurst v AWFC
Aston Clinton v AWAC


Marsworth Reserce Cup

Quarter Finals
Stewkley Res v Ayles Hornets Res
Stoke Mandeville Res v Rivets Reserves
Wendover Res v Wing FC Dev
Tring Corries Res v Wingrave Dev


ADL Committee Minutes August 2024

­Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 31 July 2024 at Aylesbury Vale Dynamos Ground

(this replaces the August meeting, which would be the day before the SGM)


Present: P Rice, K Dunnings, Mrs M Harrison, N Sabatini, K Saw, A Skeggs, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from. M Griffin, A Morgan,

The Minutes: of the meeting of 7 July 2024 were agreed.

Matters Arising:

Peter will not be available during part of the winter so Kevin Saw will take over as Chair.

Haddenham will only be charged when they are able to play on their pitch, at other times they will hire a Council pitch, which will help alleviate their fixture issues.


We have heard from Berks and Bucks about the cost and usage of school 3G and grass pitches, but there would be no changing facilities and times would vary. We have informed them that is not of much help to us.

County have asked us to declare areas around football pitches to be smoke-free zones, but we have no way of policing this so it is impractical.

The Secretary and Chair have been invited to meet with Alastair from the B&B FA for an up-date meeting.

Treasurer’s Report:

Outstanding fines

Buckinghamshire Utd. £300

Potten End £310

Registration Secretary’s Report:

Some teams have registered, all have until 8 August to do so.

Managers need to do the Players Well-being Course before they can register.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

If any team wants a free week in September we are very close to the deadline of 4 weeks’ notice.

The deadline to enter County Cups is Sunday 4 August.

Referees Secretary’s Report:

Registration forms have been sent out

We have some new officials recently qualified, plus some experienced referees that has moved to the area or are picking up the whistle again

Mark will be attending a referee course as ADL representative on 11/08 @AVD

The preseason meeting for referees in August is still to be arranged.

There are some important rule changes that will be briefed to clubs at the SGM,

Any Other Business

There will be pitch inspections of all pitches before the start of the new season.

A considerable amount of time was spent on the final draft of the divisional set-up. It will have been sent to clubs, for approval at the SGM.

The table of Cups each team has entered has been sent out, if any club has not seen it please contact Margaret a.s.a.p, definitely before the draws are made on 9 August,

The agenda for the SGM has been revised and was sent out on 1 August, 7 days before the SGM. The Committee are recommending the removal of two clubs in the league, a two thirds majority is needed for this to happen.

The meeting closed at 8.55 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 4 September 2024

Marsworth Cup Report

Tring Athletic have been approached about holding next year’s Marsworth Cup Finals there, following problems last season.

It was agreed, with the proviso that teams in the Cup Finals would each supply three stewards to monitor and deal with any unsatisfactory behaviour of the spectators. Prospective teams have been informed of this, and advised to withdraw from the Cup if they are not prepared to supply stewards.

Due to the issues that occurred during the 2024 Reserve Final, both this season’s fixtures will be planned for a Monday evening.

ADL Committee Minutes July 2024

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.30p.m. on Wednesday 3rd July 2024 at Aylesbury Vale Dynamos FC


Present: P Rice, M Griffin, K Saw, R Small, M Thoday.

Apologies: Mrs M Harrison, Mrs M Stevens, N Sabatini, K Dunnings, A Morgan, A Skeggs.

Congratulations to our Vice Chairman Kevin Saw, who was nominated for an ‘Outstanding Contribution’ Award by the Berks and Bucks FA. The Awards Ceremony is on 25th July.

The Minutes: of the meeting of 5th June 2024 were agreed

Matters Arising:

Following Peter and Kevin’s visit to Aylesbury Prison and the discussion at the AGM, more will be discussed at the SGM with regards a Football Team being created with games being played at the Prison. The aim is to play friendlies for Season 2024-25, pending a possible entry to Season 2025-26.

We have a reply back from Jon Wood from the Berks and Bucks regarding Aylesbury Council pitches and other alternatives. An investigation has been made regarding School Pitches, however only a Grass Pitch and 4G pitch price has been quoted with no further information on where the location is. The Committee will seek further information.

Peter will revisit Tring Athletic FC with regards usage of their facilities for Season 2024-25 for the 2 Marsworth Cup Finals.


Tring Town Zebra’s will known as Tring Athletic ‘A’ for the forthcoming season.

AWFC and AWFC FC Reserves will affiliate as one Club for season 2024-25 but as two individual and independent teams as AWFC and AWFC AC in the Premier Division.

Treasurer’s Report:

Outstanding Fines

Buckinghamshire Utd 90.00 (May) + 170.00 (June) = £260

Potten End 70.00 (May) + 160.00 (June) + 50.00 (Failure to attend AGM) + £50 Failure to adhere to League Business at July’s Committee Meeting = £330

Tony to confirm the above amounts

Oustanding Fines need to be paid by the end of July, if not an item will be on the SGM Agenda for Clubs to vote on whether these sides who owe substantial fines should be voted in or out for next season.

Registration Secretary’s Report:

Player Registration Forms are now on the website.

Clubs are reminded to obtain authority from the Player by them completing the Paper form first, then to submit the Player to Whole Game System. Once submitted issue free, they can scan the Paper form to Marcie, Registration Secretary.

League Sanction will open on 4 July

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Clubs were asked at the AGM to forward details of their County Cup requests so we can ensure they are entered after issues in previous seasons. Only 5 Clubs have communicated. Please can all Clubs who are entering the B&B or Herts FA Cups to confirm by 14th July.

Referees Secretary’s Report:

A Referees Meeting is being organised to discuss next season and how things cn be improved.

Any Other Business

After a question was raised at the AGM on the League’s Finances, further support for Clubs is being investigated. If Clubs have any ideas on what they would like the League to do with funds, they should put things in writing before 14th July.

AWFC were invited by the Committee to discuss both their Teams behaviour, On and Off the pitch last season and their comments for the forthcoming Season. A stern warning was given that their behaviour is not acceptable and must improve. AWFC confirmed they would take the appropriate steps to improve things.

Potten End were invited by the Committee to discuss their Teams behaviour, On and Off the pitch last season and their comments for the forthcoming Season. Potten End failed to attend the meeting




Reminder of the ADL Special General Meeting on Thursday 8th August 1930 at Rivets Sports & Social Club. All Clubs must be represented by 2 Club Members, the Secretary and Team Managers for each Team.


The meeting closed at 9.00 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 7th August 2024

ADL Committee Minutes June 2024

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.30p.m. on Wednesday 5 June 2024 at Aylesbury Vale Dynamos Ground


Present: P Rice, K Dunnings, M Griffin, Mrs M Harrison, A Morgan, N Sabatini, K Saw, A Skeggs, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies there were none

Congratulations to Kevin Saw who was chosen to referee the ESFA National Under 13 Cup Final at West Bromwich between Thames Telford School and Upton Grammar School on 23 May.

The Minutes: of the meeting of 1 May 2024 were agreed

Matters Arising:

The Marsworth Cup and the Thomas Field Shield are separate competitions to the ADFL

Cups and therefore need to be separated from the main body of the ADFL Minutes.

On 11 May Peter and Kevin attended a game at Aylesbury Prison between the prisoners and Berks and Bucks representatives. They will speak about this at the AGM.

Clubs were emailed to discover whether they would use Aylesbury Council pitches if they were in a better condition and less expensive. Five have replied positively.

It is worth noting that Berks and Bucks have the ability to provide a grant for clubs with their own pitches that need improvement. Contact Berks and Bucks for further details.

Good quality footballs have now been obtained for Cup Finals.


We have had correspondence from Buckinghamshire Council about clubs signing up for a Smokefree Sidelines campaign, they informed us that some clubs have already done this. The Committee felt this would be impossible to enforce.

The Secretary of Oving FC will be Paula Cairney, with immediate effect. The email address is

Treasurer’s Report:

Outstanding Fines

Buckinghamshire Utd 90.00

Potten End 70

St Leonards 30

Teams will not be accepted for next year unless fines are paid by the AGM

Registration Secretary’s Report:

League sanction will open on 4 July, the FA systems will be down from 1 – 3 July.

As from this coming season teams cannot affiliate unless managers have a DBS form, and if they have players under 18 years old they will also need to have a welfare officer.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

All the existing teams have been sent registration forms, all returned with the exception of Buckinghamshire United.

Postponed Games

Potten End Vs Haddenham – game awarded to Haddenham Utd, Potten End withdraw Saturday AM £50 fine rule 20E

Missing Teamsheets

24th April Potten End – failed to upload a teamsheet. Over 21 days late. £50 fine. Increased from £10 rule 21A

27th April Bucks Utd Vs Potten End. Both teams failed to upload a teamsheet. Over 21 days. £50 each rule 21A

Potten End Vs Bucks Utd. Both teams failed to upload a teamsheet. Over 21 days. £50 each rule 21A. Increased fine from £10 each

1st May Bucks Utd. Failed to upload a Teamsheet. Over 21 days late. £50 fine.rule 21A

Late Teamsheets

4th May rule 21A

– Thame B, not by 6pm Monday. £10

– Stoke Mandeville Res – not by 6pm Monday. £10

– Wingrave Development – over 7 days later. £30

Referees Secretary’s Report:

A pre-season meeting for referees is yet to be arranged.

24th April

Potten End no referee mark fine £10 rule 23H league

Buckinghamshire United no referee mark fine £10 rule 23H league

27th April

Potten End no referee mark fine £10 rule 23H league

Buckinghamshire United no referee mark fine £10 rule 23H league

1st May

Buckinghamshire United no referee mark fine £10 rule 23H league

4th May

Potten End no referee mark fine £10 rule 23H league

Haddenham United no referee mark fine £10 rule 23H league

Any Other Business

Two proposed rule changes have not been agreed by Berks and Bucks FA as they are mandatory under FA rules, 18 D and 18L/O.

Cups and awards this year have been given to:

Premier Division – Stoke Mandeville

1st Division. – A W reserves

2nd Division. – Aylesbury Hearts

Field Shield. – Stoke Mandeville

Shefield Jackman – Potten End

League Cup. – Elmhurst

Reserve Cup – Stoke Mandeville

Marsworth Senior. Aston Clinton

Marsworth Res – Stoke Mandeville Reserves

ADL Senior – AWFC

ADL Junior. – Rivets Sports


All trophies need to be brought to the AGM for engraving.


The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 3 July 2024

ADL Committee Minutes May 2024

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.30p.m. on Wednesday 1 May 2024 at Aylesbury Vale Dynamos Ground


Present: P Rice, Mrs M Harrison, K Saw, A Skeggs, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from K Dunnings M Griffin, A Morgan, N Sabatini

The Minutes: of the meeting of 3 April 2024 were agreed

Matters Arising:

Jon Wood of Berks and Bucks FA attended our meeting and gave us an update on their meetings with Buckinghamshire Council. They are aware of the state of the Council pitches and changing facilities, also the cost of hiring the pitches. No decisions have yet been made, but now Berks and Bucks FA are actually doing something we are hopeful they will pursue our cause. Jon asked how many teams would want to use Council football grounds if the quality of the pitches and changing facilities were improved, and the cost became more reasonable. We will email all clubs to find out.

He also spoke about the referee shortage, and it was pointed out to him that although courses have been put on within travelling distance of Aylesbury, the people from the Aylesbury area were not informed until the courses were practically full.


Berks and Bucks FA have an early warning system to highlight any teams displaying the initial signs of potentially folding. A copy will be sent to all clubs.

They have also sent the grassroots open-age football safeguarding requirements for sea-son 2024-25, which will also be sent to clubs.

An update on Cup details has also been sent, which has been forwarded to committee members.

Treasurer’s Report

Outstanding fines

St Leonards £20

There are fines for the late return of trophies. Rule 13C fine £20

Aylesbury Vale. Division 1, Potten End Division 2.

Registration Secretary’s Report:

No report

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

ADL Junior Cup

Oving Dev Vs Aylesbury Hornets. Oving unable to raise a side. Game awarded to Ayles-bury Hornets

Free date Request Chesham Youth – 4th May – declined as after 1st March

Late confirmations

20th April – Potten End, not by Wednesday

24th April Bucks Utd – failure to confirm inside timescales for midweek game

Late Teamsheets

6th April Bucks Utd – not by 6pm Monday (incomplete)

Elmhurst- not by 6pm Monday

Potten End – not by 6pm Monday

13th April Aylesbury FC – not by 6pm Monday

AW Reserves – not by 6pm Monday

20th April AW Res – not by 6pm Monday

Steeple & Ludgershall – not by 6pm Monday

Bucks Utd – not by 6pm Monday (incomplete)

24th April Potten End – over 7 days late

St Leonard’s – over 7 days late

Bucks Utd – over 7 days late

27th April Aylesbury Hornets – not by 6pm Monday

Potten End – not by 6pm Monday

Bucks Utd – not by 6pm Monday

St Leonard’s – not by 6pm Monday

Late Results

27th April. Bucks Vs Potten End – late result both teams

Referees Secretary’s Report

6th April

Buckinghamshire United No club name listed & No assistant named Fine £10 rule 21A

Wingrave Late team sheet rule 21A fine £10

Potten End no referee mark fine £10 rule 23H league

13th April

Rivets Reserves late fixture confirmation fine £10 rule 20C

Stoke Mandeville no club colours or club name fine £10 rule 21A

20th April

Buckinghamshire United late fixture confirmation fine £10 rule 20C

Potten End late fixture confirmation fine £10 rule 20C

24th April

Potten End no referee mark fine £10 rule 23H league

St Leonards no referee mark fine £10 rule 23H league

Buckinghamshire United no referee mark fine £10 rule 23H league

27th April

Wendover No club assistant, no first aider, no official signature, no official name Fine £10 rule 21A

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

The weekly write-up will be on the Bucks Herald website, with the potential for photos and videos, also on our Facebook page.

Any Other Business.

The AGM will be held on Thursday 27 June and the SGM on 8 August, both at Rivets Sports and Social Club. We would like to remind you that we need one representative per team, not per club.

If a player owes money to their club, the club needs to contact Berks and Bucks FA to arrange restitution.

The ADL are very pleased to be advised that our referee Sophie Dennington has been ap-pointed to Senior Assistant on Women’s FA Cup Final next Sunday May 12th @ Wembley Stadium. We send her many congratulations and all our best wishes on this amazing achievement.

We need to buy better quality balls for Cup Finals next year, also a card machine has been ordered.

All teams are reminded of their responsibility towards ensuring that the changing rooms they visit should be left clean and tidy, there have been several reports over the year of teams leaving changing rooms in a state. If you go to an opposition’s changing room and there are problems within it when you arrive, please contact the home team immediately to inform them.

The meeting closed at 9.15 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 5 June 2024

ADL Committee Minutes April 2024

Minutes of the meeting of Aylesbury and District Football League Committee held at 7.00p.m. on Wednesday 3 April 2024 at Aylesbury Vale Dynamos Ground


Present: P Rice, K Dunnings, M Griffin, Mrs M Harrison, A Morgan, K Saw, A Skeggs, R Small, Mrs M Stevens, M Thoday.

Apologies were received from N Sabatini

The Minutes: of the meeting of 6 March 2024 were agreed

Matters Arising:

After chasing Berks and Bucks, we have now had a reply from Jon Wood regarding his meeting with Buckinghamshire Council. We will invite him to attend our next meeting.


There has been an email from Berks and Bucks FL. The football season must conclude by 31 May 2024. They are still waiting for confirmation of changes to the Standard code of Rules by the FA. The League Governance Conference will be held on Wednesday 12 June. County FA Awards are currently open for nominations

Treasurer’s Report:

Outstanding fines

Buckinghamshire United 95

Aylesbury Hornets 50

St Leonards 20

Teams participating in finals must pay all outstanding fines before their final.

Registration Secretary’s Report:

No report

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Postponed games:

9th March. Stoke Mandeville Vs Chesham Youth. Chesham unable to raise a side, third offence. Fine £75 rule 20E

Marsworth Semi Finals 2nd March Moved to 13th April. Cup Final moved to Friday 26th April – 1930 KO

Thomas Field Shield Final – 29th March Moved to Friday 10th May 1930 KO

Missing Teamsheets

9th March St Leonard’s – not by 6pm Monday Aylesbury Hornets – not by 6pm Monday

16th March Aylesbury Royals – not by 6pm Monday Potten End – not by 6pm Monday

23rd March Potten End – not by 6pm Monday

30th March Tring Ath Zebras – not by 6pm Monday Potten End – not by 6pm Monday


Free Week request AWFC Res – 4th May – declined as after 1st March

ADL Senior Cup Semi Finals – 4th May Final – 11th May

ADL Junior Cup Semi Finals – 27th April Final – 4th May

Referees Secretary’s Report

All games have been covered by a qualified referee this month.

For teams in Finals – if team colours clash both teams need to change kit.


9 March Potten End late fixture confirmation fined £10 rule 21A. league

Thame Utd C incorrect teamsheet fined £10 rule 21A league

16 March Potten End no referee mark fined £10 rule 23H league

23 March Aylesbury Royals no Club official signature fined £10 rule 21A. league

Thame Utd B no competition name fined £10 rule 21A league

30 March Wendover Res no goalie colours on teamsheet fined £10 rule 21A league

Haddenham no goalie colours on teamsheet fined £10 rule 21A league

Press/Results Secretary’s Report:

The weekly write-up will be on the Bucks Herald website, with the potential for photos and videos, also on our Facebook page.

Any Other Business.

The AGM will be held on Thursday 27 June and the SGM on 8 August, both at Rivets Sports and Social Club. We would like to remind you that we need one representative per team, not per club.

Alan Webber (Bierton FC and ex-ADL Committee member) died recently, a memorial ser-vice will be held soon.

There have been several reports of cannabis being used by spectators during a match, and by players after matches. This is an illegal substance, and can affect others nearby. Man-agers need to ban its use by their players and spectators.


The meeting closed at 9.20 p.m. The next meeting was arranged for 1 May 2024
